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    Match and gasoline! I've become more powerful than you can even imagine!

    The larger wang's size and direction indicates the burial place of: A Wang 2200 computer! Filled with ascii porn.

    So, everything resets at the end, and starts anew the next episode? Kind of like everything before serialization?
    I am guessing they will be different locations and genres, though. Some more dramatic and some comedic, for example.

    It's the 43rd best comedy. You have to read between the lines.

    Neat! I'm assuming it's their own streaming service.

    I'm not judging, I'm just being a realist. I've always said if you like a band, steal the album and buy a t-shirt. Just don't tell me about your virtue.

    Shut your pi hole! I don't speak nerd!
    For real, can you set that up? I don't mind ads, I mind crashing my computer.

    The ability to maintain power by killing people makes him a worse fit for responsible stewardship of nukes, not better. He is rationally completely in this for himself. Rationally he will aim his nukes at us, and rationally tell the world that if he is poisoned he should be avenged. Then he gets the flu and dies, and

    It might be a rational choice, but he is very much a serial killer (or one who orders serial killing), and trusting a serial killer to rationally choose to not kill people isn't something I'm comfortable with.

    I have a very limited time on this earth, so if I'm watching someone fuck up, I want it to end with something hitting someone in the nards.

    Damn, and I took two years of Canadian in high school!

    Check their user agreement.

    Yes, it didn't feel like something that might happen on purpose back then, our real issue was accidents. Now it feels like it really might happen on purpose.
    Won't be moving to LA any time soon.

    They are the very essence of love them or hate them. I love them.

    Super competent "Mary Sue" Rick is not as good as annoyed Rick. This was all ass kicking. We need at least 60% Rick having a bad time, or denying he's having a bad time.

    I think you mean Jack Landon.


    I should have guessed!

    What if it ENFORCES bringing up the subject of masturbation?
