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    Not alone in the world, just subject to bigotry! Better? A bit!

    If we're dead from nukes we can't have civil rights, lesser of two evils is still Pence.

    I watched it on Youtube in glorious 240 * 480 def (not sure for real, it was low quality) and it was certainly better then the real movies. My only complaint was it has most of the final fight on the lava planet, and that could have been edited down more.

    Hey, it has to work somewhere.

    I would say he has gone too far, and had best watch his mouth.

    Yep, when everyone is abandoning it is the perfect time to start!

    Yeah, the realistic take was to talk to a girl and just fuck it up as hard as you could. I think he nailed it.

    I would watch the hell out of that.

    That's how I get money, too!

    I'm up for it. Haven't seen the movie, might not do it at all, even streaming, but I've been a fan of the books for as long as I can remember.


    I liked the young Roland stuff.

    Yeah, the one episode My Brother, My Brother and me that was on Youtube was really good! Not near enough to start a new subscription, though.

    It's still stealing, don't pretend.

    I hate to be a hater, but that just makes me so sad.
    I wonder if the only reason he has disposable income is because he has no kids. I assume no wife, as well? I wonder if he wants kids, but can't, due to obvious personality issues? Now I'm double sad.

    You know, I think you convinced me this will work. There are a fuckton of people who love Disney to a degree entirely divorced from quality. Their friends will make fun of them if they don't.

    Song of the South would be a huge hit in Trump's America.

    It's a continuum. Some people won't pay no matter what, some will pay a large amount to stay legit, but most people are in the middle. Each new stream you have to subscribe to moves people along the lines to pirating.

    So far, but when it's stretched too thin, there will be winners and losers. I'm guessing Putlocker is going to be the winner.

    Yep, people are willing to pay for a superior service, but if there's a free one that has everything they will pick convenience.