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    That's good! You're not everybody, though.

    I have a password app that makes random passwords and stores them, there is a master password you have to remember but that's it. It fills out webpages automatically. There are several out there.

    The key to social engineering is to remember that people are stupid, and if you pretend to be stupid, people empathize with your situation.

    Lies make it more secure!

    As the above XKCD comic mentions, that actual sentence is much more secure, and easier to remember. If they make you use numbers and a mix of case and unusual characters.
    Best bet is actually to just type in a fairly long sentence.

    Yep, all my passwords are "correct battery horse staple."
    For real though, a bunch of places make you add numbers and capital letters and bullshit, and some places still have a maximum of like 12 characters. It's like sending a fax, it needed to die out long ago.

    Just looking for that!

    I bet he spends a lot of time with the ravens. Too bad they haven't invented Hot Topic for him so he can get some black eyeliner.

    Him brooding on the cliff, then Tyrion complaining about him brooding better, was a highlight of the night for me.

    You're welcome!

    Yep. If GE made the road you use to go to work, you wouldn't change to Amazon if that meant you had to walk 10 miles to work. Healthcare is infrastructure, and only linked to work as a tradition.

    Capitalism is profiting off of inefficiencies. Then someone else comes along and reduces inefficiencies so they can make less off smaller inefficiencies. So far there have always been new industries to make new inefficiencies, but there is a time coming.

    The British healthcare system getting a virus for Windows XP indicates everything isn't ideal there either. While it's unlikely that it would cost more than the costs we have now when you include bankruptcy, preventative care savings, etc.. it is definitely a possibility.

    There are millions of puppies in the world, and if they had a chance, they would all love you.

    Magic is something whores do for money. No, wait…

    More like gratuitous COCKetry! WOOOOO!

    2.99 for kindle version

    The page with buttermilk pancakes is missing from overuse.
    Alton Brown mentioned it in one of his books, pointing out it has instructions on how to make marshmallows AND how to skin a squirrel.

    If you can deal with the Kindle version it's $2.99.