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    It's only $2.99 on Kindle, though.

    Quite likely a simulation, unfortunately. I doubt I'm getting all the processing power that I deserve.

    He is one of a million sentient beings with hopes and dreams that have been killed for Rick's convenience.

    This is Jerry's darkest timeline.

    "Human music? I like it!"
    edit: Had to scroll down like an inch to see this was already said. But damn it was a great line, and the music was perfect.

    Don't listen, keep the crying.

    And the one where he's a movie star.

    Watch more Mad max is always good advice.

    The show and the books have different elements (at times), and the show is not less problematic. As I said, I have not and will not ask them to cancel it, but I will not watch the first episode with a black friend. (Mostly because I don't have any friends.)

    No, my bike is white.

    The fellow above seemed to indicate "not at all".

    There is better food than taco night, yes, but it is still pretty good. I like burgers and hot wings, too.
    I made that ratatouille Babish from "Binging with Babish" made the other night, that was great. I can only do that stuff on a weekend though.

    Because they are "the bomb."

    Yep, the thing they were eating was American taco night, not Mexican food.

    Well, those Democrats WERE the real racists. And these Republicans are actually Nazis. We are rapidly approaching the point where Godwin's law stops applying, and the "quacks like a duck" adage does.

    We've made a huge mistake.

    My ex-wife once described someone as a "bike racist". It took several minutes to figure out that she meant he like to race bicycles.

    Those sound a lot like any person on vacation. I do the occasional Canadian customer service call. Only negative Canadian stereotype I have is passive aggression. Also, there are French Canadians who are the stereotype that SNL would have for French people who have a tech product that isn't working, but I don't think

    I hope not. Fingers crossed!

    Just being devil's advocate. This show will be a high wire act, and some of the performers aren't known for balance.