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    Assholes, yes, but without someone directing them they wouldn't be such an issue.

    Salt and vinegar are just way beyond too salty and vinegary, but the rest of the flavors are top notch.

    If they wanted to, they could have an app with precise recipes, including ratio of carbonated to not carbonated water, and ingredients changing in layers.

    They have them in my break room. It's about 30 feet away.

    Or, requiring ALL chips to taste like lettuce.

    You're welcome!


    He was fighting Sean Bean, he could have just waited a minute and he would have died by himself.

    Yeah, I really liked that one.

    It's a series about movies for each year, it will get to a movie that came out last year in a coupe Months. I don't think there is a thought here that Casino Royal is worthy of retrospect by itself.

    I did very minimal research and did not see that. It's still pretty boring.

    Not into the Dead, but no judgement. I bet any of those groups of fans would be more tolerable than a Beatles audience!

    Too obvious. 100 years ago that would have worked fine!

    Would you say it was Hydromatic?

    The theme was just bands with funny names for their fans, but that is a pretty good start for "worst concert possible".


    Tori Amos fans. Boring, right? Parrotheads, Deadheads, Beliebers, those guys put some thought into liking shitty music.

    A "Real Job" is one with timely paychecks and a reliable future. It is not one where you might hit it big, but may go broke. In times past a real job would be in manufacturing, or accounting. It's the kind of job that gets shipped to India, so it stopped being reliable, meaning it no longer exists.

    He's being held captive in his house by his relatives. Fucking darkest timeline.