
You literally just disproved yourself. You can’t go back to the drawing board if something is on “hold” is clear from your own words they were actively working on DA:I.

4.99 is not more expensive. You are being extremely dis-ingenious considering what a base Prime Membership actually gets you.

Considering Amazon providers a better streaming experience and quality, I welcome competition as CR’s streaming service and infrastructure has always been subpar (and I have been a premium user since their launch). Considering that I get two free day shipping, a spotifyesque music subscription, and Prime Streaming, a

No they don’t.

Yeah, someone already pointed out I was mistaken in that, to which I replied they were correct. It was off memory (clearly a wrong memory).

Correct. I realized that after I typed it :)

Its at 900p at 60FPS...just like Halo 5 was...FPS over resolution...

The grip is included.

I didn’t even know I could half of those moves...I need to play the demo again.

I have not once experienced that climbings increased climbing speed or messed up animations. I can say I dislike how the eyes look on characters now...

Butter, who proves with every comment he/she lacks the ability to read.

There have been numerous articles on BF1, a weeks worth of Titanfall articles, even before the games release, and articles on the new CoD.

Says the guy commenting on a video game website.

Every time I see a post like this I laugh as it is clear they are made by non-regular readers. “Why are you posting so much Blizzard news despite that fact that Blizzard just had a three day Con...YOU MUST BE BOUGHT!!!!” ....*sigh* forgot the part where they scammed people out of money, and ran a service to harass and terrorize people on the phone. (those are worse than the DDoS attacks, in my opinion). 

When I watched the first anime run (the one that went off the rails since it surpassed the Manga) I actually stopped watching the anime for 6 months (I was watching it as is aired) due to Hughes death. Brotherhood is by far the superior version, but the only thing the original series had over it was how more

I agree. The original ARC was amazing and then the Gun MMO arc was also very well done. Everything in between was borderline horrible.

Very few games leave an emotional impression on me, Inside did just that. I was in awe the entire time.

So then would you say its a watch? I waited only because I was catching up on a backlog, and binged Hero Acadamia.

Hey Cecilia,