Fuck, so no Cory Booker, since he’s speaking in NY tomorrow? :(
Fuck, so no Cory Booker, since he’s speaking in NY tomorrow? :(
I just had a visual of The Donald in a tanning bed and now my day is ruined.
Melancholia is SO beautiful!! She and ASkars were fantastic and the cinematography was just perfect. Definitely a film that stays with you.
Hahaah, yes! I felt it was my duty to spend the $20 for the 3D Imax experience JUST to raise those box office number. Was exausted, could only make it to the 10PM showing, and was nodding off during the actual action sequence climax (I showed up for the “comedy” not the “action” after all) - but totally worth it.
OMG! I just realized that I typed guest! I meant ‘guest’ as in I won tickets and attended, not as in being actually interviewed (sometimes I forget English is my second language, until something like this happens). Sorry for getting your hopes up!
I understand your point about wanting to feel like you were hired for your qualifications and not your color, but the disparity that exists in many fields (especially tv and movie production) is so great that we have to admit there is a bias there, and start addressing the issue.
I’m a sucker for a burgundy lip color, but I can’t stand that it’s so close to the color of the dress! Both together, along with that stiff hair, it’s just too dark and goth-y for her...
Can we talk about how awful Ayesha’s hair and makeup is? She is so naturally beautiful and this overproduction is. Just. Killing. Me.
#CoLeslie #Leslin #LesJost? I ship it!
I love how he seamlessly oscillates between throwing straight daggers and giving her genuine-seeming compliments. It’s a sort of valid pettiness that I strive for.
I think she was one of those uncredited vocals on one of Calvin’s tracks. But I could be wrong.
Right?! Maybe the only Calvin Harris stan in the universe was just trying to get some payback for Hiddleswift and it backfired gloriously? I’m hopeful...
Obviously trolling for the sake of trolling. Giving this person any more attention is just fueling their fire. As far as I know, Methodists are uncomfortable even mentioning the subject of sex, let alone describing one’s vagina, tweeting a “visual reference” and comparing it to THEIR OWN CHILDREN’S.
Yes! Workaholics!
“Look, there’s a piece of rock missing. Let’s stand there so they can get a full shot of my outfit.”
I don’t hate it!
Special shout out to the Honorable Clarence Thomas, for continuously shutting down affirmative action, after having benefited from it.
100% agree. And if they break up we’ll get 2 great albums. Win/win!
It’s Ed, it’s obviusly Ed and she’s just too shallow to accept it. Granted, it is the only thing that will make me hate Swift even more. But it’s definitely Ed.