
Guys, anyways is not a word. There's no s in anyway. That is all.

So Sony beats them in the US but Microsoft beats Sony everywhere else that they are both launching in and they are both out by Black Friday. But what does it all meeeeeeeean???

If you are downloading 500 gb of music on Xbox then you, sir, have a problem.

I have both but my ps3 was because I wanted a blu ray player years back. No need anymore for me to have two systems.

dude there is not going to be enough content at launch to need the external. By the time you need it, they will support it.

I'm getting an Xbox One and cannot wait!

Seriously, just tell me when the damn system launches.

Just curious for those of you with 3DS systems, how often do you run with 3D off?

While I agree the Iron trailer is great, one is actual gameplay and one is cinematic. Personally, I'll take an actual gameplay trailer this close to launch over a cinematic all day.

Probably the most sad thing here is that year in and year out, NCAA football is a better game than madden. :(

Hating generates page views, man.

Im sorry, I just don't understand how people get on forums while CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET to complain about always being connected. Also, what college student doesn't have internet access??

Here's what I don't get. If I have directv, will this give me Sunday ticket free or am I screwed into paying the full price?

Goose Island IPA is now brewed in New Hampshire. So it's imported from...New England??

I've been playing the game a lot. And it is great. Every game has something wrong. The fact that they continue to work on it and gather feedback is great. This is like everyone's new fav thing to do is hate on it but if you spent the time and played instead if saying "oh haven't touched it since launch youd enjoy it.

They take offer letters very seriously?? They sent an email! That's the least serious and personal way of making an offer.

The app says I can only order one. How do I order for myself and my wife? Both due for an upgrade.

I have an older nano and I like it because it's small and only use it for running. I laugh when I see people with touches on their arms at the gym. It looks absurd.

What happened to everyone thinking the Apple TV was getting announced? Why is everyone jumping on the mini and not the tv? Wouldn't this big of a jump really indicate an entire new product?