
You know those folks still think they stole something. Probably just sitting in their homes going “If only I stripped searched them, I would have found the shirt.”

1. You have a bitchin’ Camaro

I disagree with this. Constraints on executive power aren’t toothless - they’re backed by Congress’ powers. The power of the purse, the power to declare war, the power to withhold consent from executive nominees, the power to impeach. The real problem is, Congress has deliberately given those powers away.

In a

Is this because all the pity has been used up on folks who break down in old-ass Jeeps?

Sometimes the justice system gets it right.

Good. And fuck the DA trying to offer a deal with no jail time to cover their asses. 

Newsflash to any idiotic “vegetarians” that think that eating an egg is eating part of an animal, it’s not.  See, in order for it to become fertilized, a mommy chicken and a daddy chicken have to get together, and play some Barry White, and make sweet, sweet love.

What the hell are you talking about?

Of course. Same management.

Treating your car like shit doesn’t make you a hero, no matter how expensive the car is. Someone like Rowan Atkinson, who daily drove his McLaren F1, is a hero. Your disgusting neighbor who eats in his car, never cleans it and transports tires in the front seat is just a slob. Believe it or not, it’s possible to both

Yet another reason for the US Navy to come back to reality. And that reality is that we don’t have to be everywhere on the globe in overwhelming force all the time.

Pizza Is Not a Meal

This is a Jalopnik Classic post we are re-running in honor of Jalopnik's 20th Anniversary

What would be great, is if the arresting officers were hit with that “Acting in a manner injurious to a child” charge. 

How, exactly, is Uranium One a “fake news” story?

Renault did it first (and correctly).


For anyone who hasn’t done so yet, read that Politoco link at the end of the post. It’s from 17 months ago and the Schadenfreude could sustain me for weeks.

If I’m spending $2.3 million on a collection of BMWs, there’s going to be a 507 in it.

the neighbors claimed to have heard her banging on the door and screaming for someone to open it

But can it land after doing highly classified, threatening orbital maneuvers? Up your game Russia.