
I want a fictional historical action movie with Robert Smalls and Bass Reeves doing covert espionage and sabotage missions against the Confederate South.

Build article with plenty of pictures in our future?

I also was not expecting that part of the weekend! Turns out I am occasionally into light BDSM and didn’t know it until the moment it happened.

We have 4 kids in their 20s. One still lives at home and isn’t very social. The others live nearby, and cheerfully drop by at any time day or night to pick up stuff, or to crash on our couch if they worked late and have an early shift the next day (she lives like 45min from work, we’re about 5 min).

They said it, we should all feel free to point and laugh a little.

Whenever cops commit a crime, they are also committing an official abuse of power. This is often worse than the original offense. We as a society give cops tremendous power and we pay them to administer that granted power.

This kind of shit and the government assaults on union camps really need to be talked about more.  The rich and powerful have spent a lot of time and treasure keeping minorities and the poor down over the centuries.

GUUUUUUH I’m so tired of answering this question. The sources are not hard to find if you look.

Yes, in Vegas, getting picked up means something absolutely different than the rest of the country. At least, outside the city jurisdiction.

Once the Koreans figure out a pickup truck and a GTR killer, it’s game over for Nissan.

Being a tech company means you get blanket immunity from regulation, scrutiny, due diligence, and basic skepticism. I’m surprised oil and coal and hardrock mining and finance companies haven’t re-branded as tech companies yet.

I stand corrected. So we’re trailing the Swiss huh? Makes sense..

Technically, we’re the 21st wealthiest country by median individual wealth, but 2nd in average wealth (after Switzerland).

It’s a ridiculous photo. We are supposedly the wealthiest nation on earth but we can’t keep Pittsburgh's streets from swallowing buses. Yeah, I know it was underground incident but infrastructure maintenance is seriously needed.

The article was good fun. The detail pictures and captions were sweet.

I am glad SuedeOxford’s comment made it.

“No one knows how many people were shot, tasered and/or beaten by police officers because law enforcement agencies are not required to compile that information.”

Nah. I’m not for doxxing. Instead every affected individual should be awarded damages. I’m thinking $10,000 each ought to do it .

Most people I know that have installed 5 point harnesses end up never using them due to the hassle over a regular 3point seatbelt.