
Congratulations ESPN on the heretofore impossible accomplishment of kicking yourself in your own dick. Physicians and physicists alike will be studying this data for generations to come.

Does your employer engage in the political act of playing the anthem at the start of your workday? And did your employer allow itself to get bullied into its decision by a U.S. President with a stated interest in stoking outrage and division?

I used to do wheelies across them just to fuck with the numbers a bit. I’m sure nobody noticed or cared, but that never mattered to me.

Much like my social media posts!

They have that CHEATERS hotline for people to report their neighbors. People love to bash on their neighbors for non-California plates. I got a few handwritten nastygrams on cars that I was uh, borrowing from my out-of-state friend. (This all only happened in a dream that my dog had, of course.)

“You may have people cross the border to buy a truck in Nevada and not in California,” he said.

“Cooperative federalism doesn’t mean that one state can dictate standards for the rest of the country.”

How can you not watch that beautiful sight while grinning like an idiot!

I love the execution of this. Put in a full cage, yet kept usable back seats. Kept the classy Rolls dash, yet put in a drag racing multi stick sequential shifter. Amazing work.

You know what Alfa stands for don’t you?

Engineers notes: test vehicle performed as expected.

From literally 10 minutes ago.


I hope they stick to their heritage of lean racing. Like Alanis King pointed out, today’s horsepower numbers are simply gratuitous. Build a stripped down racer that hangs with the big guns without 4 figure HP. Better yet, focus on a bullet proof powertrain and chassis combo that the owner can maintain and work on

Btw, notice how were talking about this stupid tweet instead of Flynn’s lawyers saying they can no longer discuss the Mueller investigation with White House attorneys?

Unemployment is low because of how they calculate unemployment. If you stopped looking for work because there are no jobs for don’t count as unemployed. Until all those people get soaked up, wages will go nowhere.

I wonder how long it will take before someone misses the point and jumps in with one of those asinine “if you don’t want the ticket don’t break the rules” posts that despots and closet fascists love so much.

Precisely. Last time I got too confident I woke up and Trump was president.

I don’t know about this. I’ll agree that Graham-Cassidy is dead, and that in a larger sense the constant efforts to ram something through with 50 votes is dead, when the clock strikes 12:00 a.m. on October 1, and not a single moment before.

The difference between a Cactus and a BMW X1? A Cactus has pricks on the outside.