
This. Anyone who states that crafts associating with Big Beer is just good, smart business is full of shit. Money? Yes, more to be made thru the partnership/acquisition. But is it better for the industry, for consumers? No. Buying supplies/ingredients and keeping them from crafts, the abysmal and archaic distribution

I’m glad they are rearming local police with military equipment. This will be amusing.

Gonna be interesting to see how many white people now start loudly calling for police reform as though damn near every black and brown person hasnt been victimized in some way by police

I’ll trade it for their not shooting any 12-year-olds with little warning and then lying to cover it up.

I want to live long enough so I can urinate on Mitch McConnell’s grave.

I thought Republicans liked the rule of law and the constitution and stuff? Why do they love the idea of holding someone without a warrant just because the federal government asked you to?

Outsourcing the repression of those who oppose the will of the rich and powerful. What’s more American than that?!

The good news is fans in Cleveland won’t have their travel plans screwed up either way.

Why would he plead guilty to assault?

Serious question: What language are the announcers speaking?

2 diesels? Right. And grizzley adams had a beard............on his ass

There is approximately 0% chance they go from offering one engine at a time for the last ten years to suddenly offering 6 engine options.

Kids, would you like to help Captain CJ save the citizens of Junkyard City from the evil Patriot and his insidious minion The Compass? Ask your parents permission to join the Trail Rated Teens! Simply send a S.A.S.E to...

Tkachuk is a piece of shit & keeps getting away with this bullshit. Someone needs to, um, talk to him.

What could you possibly mean by that? Berlin is one of the world’s most international, multi-lingual, progressive cities. You elected this moron. You. Not us.

Reading David’s articles makes me feel good about my life choices.

The bearings are bad on your 90% rust jeep.

I can’t stand the fact that people criticize teachers for “wasting taxpayer money.” It seems like most people tend to think that teachers only work from the first bell to the last bell but they could not be more wrong. My mom has been a teacher all my life and a majority of the time she worked 10-13 hour workdays. As

Some think that being poor is simple. You don’t have enough money to buy a lot of stuff, so you’re forced to buy