
“This shouldn’t be a pissing match. In a perfect world, the culture-shifting work of Farrow, Kantor, and Twohey—not to mention Tarana Burke and Rose McGowan and Ashley Judd and every other silence breaker who’s made it a little easier for women to speak out—would be regarded with equal respect and admiration by

When I was about ten or something, my mom told me that he was a predator and we shall never watch his movies again. That was the early 90s. People were talking.

1992 is when the shit hit the fan. I remember vividly sorting out the daily newspapers at work and wondering if he’d ever be able to make another film again. I was 22. Obviously so young that I thought he might suffer for what he did (ha!) but certainly an adult. By 2012 I would assume most adults knew of his ways,

Franco claims he has not “read” these tweets, but that he has “heard about them.”

Why the Disney letters?

There is no subtext.

Y’all already published the “Tee hee! I’ve never heard of Star Wars!” article when the last one came out.

‘Instagram star..’, NO. Stop.

I’ve been there to visit someone, and it is a beautiful place. Apart from the Alzheimer’s unit, it’s mainly a sprawling senior living community, and ability to pay is not a factor to getting in, so there are some wealthy retired actors and directors, but also people who were secretaries and studio workmen; it’s fully

I’m ok with the argument that he doesn’t know what he’s doing because of the dementia, but after it happens once, why isn’t there a system in place to keep him from doing it another time....or in this case another 32 times.

I’ve been wrongfully imprisoned was terrifying. I can’t inagine what it was like for her. I was an adult but because of a clerical error, literally someone just leaving a piece of paper on their desk instead of filing it, I answered a doorbell one night to find multiple cops fully kitted out asking for

I will never understand why people are so down on Tom Nook, who just sells you a house with a no-interest mortgage you can pay whenever you get around to it and with no down payment the minute you move into town and need somewhere to live. He even gives you a tent to live in while the house is being built.

It may feel like it is because he’s waving her around like a demented hand puppet to keep you on his team, but it isn’t. You’re the three episode minor character in somebody else’s CW drama and that’s a boring, frustrating, go-nowhere place to be. Move on.

LW1, you have one problem and one situation that isn’t your problem.

Letter Writer #1, you are a lonely horndog, and you are pouring your sexy energy into some rando asshole at work. Girl, we have all been there. Go find somebody who makes your toes curl and do some of that dating and kissing. This guy is not the one.

Letter Writer #1:

Listen to how he talks about the women in his life. That’s how he’ll talk about you after the initial rush wears off.

LW1: Holy shit, I actually agree with Jane! But also, look, even if your coworker is in a shitty relationship, he is an adult and can figure that out himself. If anyone does give him advice, it probably shouldn’t be you, a woman who’s interested in him and who he knows is interested in him. You’re not exactly unbiased

Decent advice for once.

We need cooperatively owned strip clubs so the dancers are the owners, and if/when they move on they can cash out and pass the opportunity on to someone else. It’s not rocket science - it’s managing the basics of a strip club, and I’m sure they’re are many experienced dancers who can do the books, order the booze,