
I am really tired of the “he wasn’t ACTUALLY touching her in the photo” defense.

Trying to imagine an alternate timeline where Harry stands & says, “Stop touching me dude!” How would Spacey save face with Richard D. right there? In some of these accounts, people have said no to him and he got more aggressive. Would he have shamed Harry or gaslighted him?

They legally can’t give the food away. I can’t speak to Showtimes rules but most sets are like that. I think theres a law too?? If the food was used as set dressing, speaking from experience its not very fresh and has been handled a lot. But as sad as it is they can’t give the food away because if someone got sick the

Okay, so I don’t know the specifics of this particular show, but I’ve been in this situation before (I work as an AD and Producer a ton).

After a location wraps, many times no one (the crew) wants to take stuff home with them after they may have picked through everything. But additionally, you can imagine that when

As a person who works in film and television, this article is SO out of context. A film shoot is a fast moving environment with a ton of moving pieces. It’s a business. Should they have donated that food? Of course! But, also they’re not obligated to. Maybe they were behind and not going to make their day and needed

Yes, However if the food had turned, or something was wrong with it, and people became ill, the production company would be liable. It may sound nuts, but it is undeniably the case.

I feel about boycotting Weinstein now the same way I feel about GOP Senators suddenly turning on Cheeto Mussolini, he’s been gross forever and his history of being a sexual predator has been the most open of open secrets for a good 30 years. If someone like me has known for at least 15 years, someone like Mika would

Watching at home Jasmine *Masters goes.... Cocoon?

That sucks. For whatever it’s worth, my opinion of her had been pretty low before the shooting and increased considerably. I felt awful for her and thought she handled the whole situation as well as anyone could.

Did she get shit for that? My impression is that she went from being hated and mocked to being somewhat sympathetic during that time period due to her reaction, but I admittedly only read about her on selected sites.

That’s what I want in a man: the ability to be the grossest thing in a picture that includes a dead animal carcass.

Nicole could swat Reese away, like a fly. Nicole has an understated, refined toughness whereas Reese is a drunk driver who tells cops “do you know who I am?!!”

YES. Her body is real too - not that I am dissing a certain model with a super flat stomach, no double chin and skinny arms (Sorry Ashley Graham)... but Gabi has a build us plus women can START relating too. I know there are bigger girls out there, more like Tess Holiday, and I don’t want them to think I don’t care

I definitely read John ‘Lovitz’ and had a full on mental breakdown for a second there.

Not exactly. I think her parents would have a preferred someone who was British by birth due to post-war sentiments. Especially since some of his sisters had been married to Nazis.

It’s not just new commentators. I’ve been commenting for years but I refuse to beg the writers to ungrey me, so I’m still a second level citizen. Only on Jezebel though, the other gizmedia sites are usually pretty good at ungreying regular commentators. For a site that relies on comments for revenue, they sure treat

Nooooo I want to see it! I’m sad the ladies all left but I love Noel Fielding. I’m still waiting for Netflix to do the 4th season too. More Bake Off is always better than less, no matter who’s hosting/judging.

Okay, I actually am in a polyamorous relationship, and have been since about 2001, and I can tell MVP that there’s actually a term for the bullshit her boyfriend is pulling. It’s called “Relationship Broken? Add More People!”, and it refers specifically to the kind of person who thinks that polyamory is a solution to

As the more affluent sister, I got a lot of resentment from mine. What she doesn’t know is that I was homeless and broke for a few years of my life. At that time, she was doing coke and stripping for a living. I recovered, got a law degree and am doing well. Her, well, she keeps making the same mistakes. But I love