
You know what? I’m going to back you up on this because people regularly criticize other people’s tattoo jobs. I’ve seen tattoo artists criticize celebrities tattoos on the internet. It is a CHOICE and I’m not sure why it should be protected. And I don’t really understand why people get so worked up about it. If I

There’s something about that picture (the smeared eye makeup? the thumbs up? the need to post it to begin with?) that rubs me the wrong way.

I do not follow makeup stuff, but I swear I’ve been reading about Jeffree Star making bigoted comments way more recently than 12 years ago. I thought there was a whole thing where Kat von D apologized for helping his brand get started. Is that a different YouTube makeup star? or is Jeffree Star being disingenuous by

So here’s a rule to follow everyone: If someone offends a group of which you are not a part of, it is not up to you to decide when people should get over it or accept the apology.

It is really sad the progressive thought police stifle the speech of a political ideology responsible for the most horrific act of genocide in the modern era.

It’s a sad day when the police are protecting this clown better than they protected Heather Heyer and the many counterprotesters who were injured.

Was someone arrested for something they said? No? Then no ones freedom of speech was violated in any way.

Can you imagine if this was BLM or Standing Rock literally pushing and trying to physically fight riot cops?

My eyes rolled and I got my period at the same time.

Treating people unequally is not the path to equality.

What’s amazing to me is how many people (primarily women, which I cannot understand) over on Facebook are blaming the female victim for this! They’re saying she clearly tried to trip him, when it’s very obvious that her leg swung out only because she was being violently pushed to the ground. Like, they refuse to see

Absolutely not. Unreasonable positions include things like advocating genocide and white purity and all sorts of alt-right goals. Our grandparents flew across the world to blow away people for expressing and instituting fascist views, and rightfully so. Discourse is the tool that fascism uses to legitimize itself,

Now playing

Hmmm it’s ok. I like the flour. But ch4 have massively high standards for their promos and I’m not sure this lives up to it.

All these “low” approval ratings in the 30s aren’t really doing it for me. How is it still that high??? (I of course know why)

I live near Canters and Angelyne’s pink sports car is out front regularly (you can always tell it’s her- because it’s crazy pink and has a vanity plate reading ‘ANGELNN’). She’s a weird sort of LA landmark that moves.

The second I lay eyes on it I thought, “Big mistake. Big. Huge”.

On the contrary, RH and many other reality franchises are designed to make you feel better about yourself, at the expense of the people on the show. People watch RH and think “I may not have as much money as her but. . .” and you can fill in the blank with your choice of “I’m a better parent,” “my husband actually

I’m sorry I offended you. I’m trying to take responsibility for and call out white men who seemingly get to exist without consequences. I’m trying to be a good ally. I guess I missed the mark. But just for the record, white female victims of rape and sexual assault get tired of seeing men walk free, too.