
So you guys are just writing puff pieces for the white supremacist Hilton family? Why don't you check your archives and find that video of Paris and Nicky using the NWord or that article where Conrad went on an NWord rant while getting arrested for domestic battery?

All this. Not to mention, if adolescent stories are exclusively told from a hetero male perspective then the only image of teen girls that we recieve is an idealistic one. It’s nice to see girls who were just as awkward as I was. It does so much to make teen girls feel less isolated and self-critical.

I just got back from NY and the L train has been closed and it’s been raining.  Everyone’s commutes have been a nightmare.  Not to mention that she’s a tourist. They really should have had more consideration for everyone else.  This sucks. 

That isn’t a pantsuit. She left the top of a two piece silk pajama open. I really want a pair of fancy silk pajamas. I think it’s such a cool look.

I didn’t see this particular stunt but I do frequently work with stunt performers. I do believe that her request for moleskins or forearm coverage could have been accommodated. Most of the time we forgive continuity and err on the side of safety when it comes to stunts. However, I want to clarify one thing. Stunt

Are you pearl clutching Hathur’s comment while using that old MRA/Racist trope of “can’t take a joke?”

They aren’t at a festival. That’s an outdoor mall in Glendale.

Why are these girls trying to act so hard at the fucking Americana?

There are SAG guidelines for dubbing over an actor’s performance. Unless they are compensating for a lack of a specific skill, like singing or speaking a foreign language, TJ Miller would have a strong case for breach of contract. Paz De La Huerta had a suit that was similar to this.

I would rather party with Slater from Dazed and Confused but I would definitely rather bang Lucas.

Same here. Formerly, a star commenter. Now, I am just screaming into the darkness.

I know this is an old story. I just wanted to add that putting her on a no fly list could also seriously threaten her livelihood as a comedian that travels for shows

Oh good. Lydia sucked and Peggy didn’t add anything.


The script doesn’t say anything about the logistics of how something would be shot. At most there might be a line the describes the action like “the cage falls into the river.” he would have to be hyper aware or vigilant to anticipate this outcome.

As an Atheist, I am inclined to agree that religion in general is fucked up but.... If you are being sincere though there are some differences. Mainly it’s because of the systematic way that the auditing collect personal information to blackmail people, how advancing in the bridge is directly tied to how much money a

I heard that the actual plot of the movie isn’t much of an improvement over that synopsis.

No kidding. I had a star back when that meant something.

I get what you are saying but he is a high ranking royal. His wedding is inherently political.