
This is a Delia’s catalog. Isn’t it?

Oh no, if they could just hold on for like 5 more years they will probably come back into style since fashion is cyclical.

Awesome. Her episode really stood out that season. It was touching and subtle. Just lovely.

Raya is real and it’s fascinating. I found out about it when I over heard an actor debating whether or not to message Meghan Trainor after they matched on Raya.

Tom Cruise chooses to do his own stunts. Uma Thurman expressed her concerns about safety and she was right. There is no reason that shot couldn’t be performed by a stunt driver. The teamsters told her as she got into the car that it was unsafe. Directors who disregard people who warn about safety conditions and it

Just a little bit of perspective, that 16 year old was number 1 on the callsheet, the main actor, the one that everyone caters to. In the entertainment industry, people are fired because number 1 doesn’t like them for any capricious reason; they sweat, they can’t take a joke, they are ugly. A 16 year old isn’t

Not looking foreword to the Black Widow movie. I picture a bunch of ass shots and Scarlett Johansson making pouty faces while taking in a deep but somehow still baby voice. Besides Agent Carter had the best Red Room agent so far and we (as a society) let that show die :(

I was a preteen when the story about Soon Yi broke. It was everywhere. Totally unavoidable.

Greta Gerwig and I are about the same age. I remember when the story came out about Soon Yi. Love and Betrayal: the Mia Farrow story was a mini series on fox and it was pretty hyped. If she grew up on Woody Allen movies as she says in the quote then she would have been well aware of his relationship with Soon Yi at

I am not sure why he’s there but there are parallels between his treatment and Tony’s treatment by the Olympic Figure Skating Committee. Tonya was snubbed for her “trashiness” and Johnny Weir was snubbed because he was “not masculine enough.”

It’s aging for her shtick, baby-voice party girl.

If actors get waivers from the tattoo artist for their artwork, you don’t need to cover up the tattoo. I can’t find anything online about this but I think that font is trademarked. Even if it isn’t it would still be on the bubble enough that production would be forced to cover it either with costumes or makeup. It’s

The very early 2000 Britney dancing to a slow melancholy version of toxic was so amazingly out of touch. Shine on you crazy diamond.

I have MPIPHP and occasionally use the adjacent hospital. I am honestly shocked to hear this. The standards of MPIPHP health centers are very high. I hope they take this all seriously.

38 and 50. IDK when you are past 35 the power dynamics of age differences start to disappear. As long as there is no issue of elder abuse.

That slave one shoe is missing a tiny Boba Fett.

It’s going to take surgery for the kids if she wanted them to look like her.

Nancy was on a bit of a killing spree at that point. Even if she was killing guys who deserved it.

Aw, what a great smile. I now know what he looked liked as a small child.

Where can I follow your advice column?