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Noel has been giving me nightmares for almost 10 years by coming up with this

Obama let them do plenty. All US presidents are bastards.

I heard about what happened in the finale, but I couldn’t even get halfway through last season because Piper was annoying me so fucking much. I’ve been thinking about picking up again and watching through, but I have to steel myself to withstand her awful personality.

During the writer strike of Aught 8, I couldn’t find any work other than picking out bandanas & Ed Hardy tees for Brett Michaels during Rock of Love Season 2.

This is my livelihood.

Aside from all the feelings I have about this ad... and none of them are good and there are just so many feelings... mostly rage..... I have to just say this as a professional:

I can accept choices. Doesn’t mean I have to agree with them or can’t still view them as wrong and verbalise that feeling if I choose to.

Holy shit. That wedding jumpsuit is gorgeous. Any details on it?

I was perusing The Knot today and they recommended Danzig’s “Mother” as a great mother/son dance, as well as “Mother” by Pink Floyd. It’s as if they just typed the word mother into Spotify without actually listening to them.

“Also—and I’m just saying—Thinx don’t work for shit.”

Yeah my mom is a nurse who used to work for a pediatric endocrinologist. So.......the type of doctor who gets called in when even the “regular” doctor can’t solve the old question of “boy or girl?” because it’s actually WAY MORE FUCKING COMPLICATED THAN THAT.

As a trans woman:

The problem is everyone thinks they are making their own choices to some extent. And the more you have freedom of choice the more you are probably coming from a place of power and privilege. I mean it really undermines the whole concept of feminism if we ignore that a lot of our choices are based on society’s

Emma Watson on Beyonce’s tits in 2014:

Always difficult being a lady and having to strike that fine fashion balance between “oppressed” and “slutty slutbag”. Better luck next time, Emma.

Moving right along, did you hear that one about how once upon a time Ed Sheeran got drunk and hit Justin Bieber in the face with a golf cart?

A billion stars for lying cat

He also said he wasn’t a racist!

first victoria’s secret, then h & m?