
I sit that way on my boyfriend...

I’m sort of with you on this, but I think maybe she’s just crushing on the Cheeto Bandito, because she’s way too old for him. And I think he’s turned off by self-possessed women. I think he’s probably looking for a mistress fresh from high school. Probably a Florida high school.

But this is how i felt too :( I thought it was great, but I also thought it was just like a family movie. It didn’t have any particularly artistic quality to me. The acting was great, the plot was great, the dialogue was cheeky, but I walked away like “that was nice and empowering.” It didn’t stick with me.

Ugh. Just die already, you old pervert.

Now playing

The moment when she got read for the absurd liar she is: Anderson doesn’t  say a thing, he just reflexively can’t stop laughing at her (though finally he blurts out, “This is so stupid!”). Anyone who hasn’t seen this, let this minute and a half brighten your day....

What about those of us who really, really, really wanted Bernie, but when it came to vote did the right thing and voted for Hillary, even though we were in a solidly red state where it didn’t matter? Can we hold our heads high?

I agree with you down the line, and I’d just like to add that in the comments section of the other post you’re referring to, I saw several people take the line “But if you denounce this then you have to denounce South Park and Family Guy too but no one could ever not like those shows so therefore this is fine.”

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

Next jackass who tells me Hillary was a traitor because she might not have been perfect about her emails gets ripped a new one.

A 23 year old white woman is a girl? This is sexist and racist. See Tamir Rice being considered a threat for playing by himself. See Richard Spencer being called a “young man” just figuring out his views in life. Don’t feed into this narrative. She is an adult woman. She is complicit until she comes out in opposition

Ugh Tiffany, melania and ivanka aren’t helpless innocent women held captive. They have agency. Tiffany trades on her name.

The only thing I can say is that I hope she’s wearing a pair of these with those pants (and also that peace sign anklet):

While a terrible, boring franchise, isn’t TV kinda more prestigious nowadays?

I disagree. That dude is constantly gaslighting her and has learned how to play up the sympathy of others, it’s very transparently manipulative. Plus shows like this feed off of how women love to gang up on other women so I’m sure it’s edited to reflect that. Is she perfect? No, but she seems very insecure and

Chrissy Teigen is hilarious

Dug “This Land is Your Land”, and this might be a bit of a hot take, but I think she’s a coward. Hear me out.

Now playing

It was, without a doubt, impressive. But I kept thinking of P!nk at the Grammys - when was that??? - (skip ahead to about 2:30 for when the amazing stuff starts)

Isn’t this a failure? If she’s just winking at people like us while it goes over everyone else’s head, what’s the fucking point?

Punching Nazis is a moral obligation

Remember we should respect their beliefs too...