
YES! I can only wager how much of “Dark Side Katie” is clever editing. Whenever I read recaps like this, I think of how horrible I would come off on a reality show. They’d edit me down to a bitchy and offensive redhead who drinks WAY too much expensive wine and occasionally picks her nose in traffic when she thinks no

Forget it, dude; it’s Chinatown.

Except there’s no defense (again, please somebody raise the critical thought bar, quickly!). What I was pointing out was that Catholicism at least does not have the abuse built into it. COS’s abuses are not an example of an otherwise non-abusive system that was corrupted or co-opted over time - it was abusive from the

“one man’s beliefs are another man belly laugh.”

Thanks, David! Where’s your wife?

Sometimes I wish someone would do something similar for Mormonism. It’s not as extreme as scientology, but it’s a cult nonetheless, and there are a lot of similar stories to be told. We’ve got podcasts, blogs, and r/exmormon, but no documentaries that i know of.

Okay I know, anyone can sue over anything.

Remind me again why taxpayer dollars (Army Corps of Engineers etc.) are being spent to defend a corporate project?

Wow cool, I went through a time portal. I have no idea how the fuck i’m on the internet in 1816, but it certainly can’t be 2016. We certainly would not still be pulling shit like this in TWENTY FUCKING SIXTEEN!....oh wait we are. Sounds about right.

Okay, but can reporting on this story PLEASE emphasize that the camp is located on unceded treaty land? Not only are they being ordered to leave, but they’re being ordered to leave land that actually belongs to them.

It’s pretty clear he isn’t going to be getting real help. Why would he? He’s been acting like this for years and it just gets him attention.

Speaking as someone with a few impatient depression/anxiety stays under their belt:

I call bullshit. If Kanye was in a mental health program, he would not be allowed visitors to be in his business constantly. That’s not how it works.

I don’t care. She’s an observant Muslim who made a choice based on what her faith preaches. It’s not all that complex. Islam isn’t the only religion that diminishes women; I know more than a few bald-ish Orthodox women. My point is that we are celebrating women who are essentially proclaiming that their bodies require

It’s a dog show where they have women instead of dogs. What on earth is even the difference between this and west minster? These shows are humiliating. Shouldn’t be grateful for social scraps. Have women terrified of reporting their rapes or genuinely believing nothing will come of it, but hey, at least this girl got

Yeah I’m all for breaking down barriers and destroying prejudices but... At the end of the day it’s still judging women on their looks.

I think she’s doing her best to try and provide a positive example of her faith and culture where she can to masses who might otherwise not see someone in a hijab or a “burkini”, but I’m also firmly of the belief that beauty pageants are outdated, sexist, and harmful. So... I guess good for her for trying to combat

I really want to feel positive about this. But. I’m struggling with feeling positive about beauty pageants? I get why this is a feel-good story and baby steps toward normalizing the “other.” I just can’t cheer for it being in the context “but they can be pretty too!”

Yeah like. I WANT to find a reason to cheer about this, but ehhhhh.

How inclusive of this human cattle auction.