
But oh man, having the time and money to spend three hours at the gym everyday with a personal trainer?

I think that there’s about equal chances it’s bullshit versus a vulnerable woman with a legit story got taken advantage of and now the situation feels like it’s spun out of control.

people are going to mock him, but sex addiction is very real, and i don’t have a hard time believing he suffers from it. look at all the stuff he continues to do regardless of consequences and the havoc it’s caused in his life.

Since i don;t really know who Justin Theroux is, whenever he’s in a headline I think Justin Trudeau.


I write all my own music

....the difference is bill IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. Hillary, who I only support because Trump is a walking travesty, did not sexually assault anyone. Why is this so hard for people to understand?? Personally I wish she would have left Bill ages ago but her decision to stay, believe (?), and defend him is none of

Alyssa should have been in that top four, no question!

This is where I think the idea of prison as ph ishmdnt over reform comes in. Even if she is “reformed,” I think she should spend the remainder of her life without the freedoms the rest of us are able to enjoy. I don’t think she should be put to death, or spend her life in solitary, but her crimes were heinous enough

I think she’s got some amazing balls to think she has a right to live free. This is a woman who was not chosen by Charlie to go kill the LaBiancas. She begged Charlie to include her, knowing full well what was expected of her.

Actually the obvious comparison for me is George Zimmerman. Latino but also a judge’s kid, shot a child in cold blood and got off scot free.

This is part of the central moral question with regards to women and the law.

Can someone please explain to me why many states are totally cool with Stand Your Ground laws/using deadly force to “prevent death or great bodily harm” but this little girl faces life in prison for shooting someone who repeatedly threatened to kill his entire family with that very gun?

They’ll never approve these parole recommendations while Manson is still alive which seems reasonable to me.

Anyone who says Heidi Klum isn’t a 10 anymore is right—she’s an F, because she’s broken base-10 and moved us straight to hexidecimal

Agree. Also, can the talking heads stop with “pages leaked from Trump’s 1995 tax returns suggested that he might have avoided paying federal income taxes for 18 years.” 

This is why I am shocked that anyone is against body cameras. If the kid DID actually take out a gun, turn back, and attempt to aim and fire at them, or other members of the public, shooting was the correct choice to protect the public.

No matter the gender, Jenners are assholes.

dude don’t feed the trolls, let them float away in their douche-canoes