
Here’s a better pic. T.I. Posted it on his Twitter.

She’s famous for not being able to buy gift cards apparently.

So...she wanted the relationship to be more Loki.

Any other straight girls think gay (male) porn is incredibly hot? Or at least bisexual mmf porn?

$65 is cheap to you? Dang. That makes me feel Midwestern as fuck. I buy my shit for >$10 at Target, but that’s because I break shit and lose things floating down the river (also Midwestern af).

Now playing

No, his logic is in no way bendy. Being #1 does not mean talent (although I am not saying he is talent free). Transfomers movies have all been massive money makers (and #1). They are not a “great” set of films. McDonalds is not the best food either, despite selling more than anyone for essentially ever.

It is easy, everybody is doing it. just in another industry.

Justin Bieber has six straight number 1 albums....your logic is found wanting.

I can understand why a sample size is limited, if we’re truly talking about sample garments that are pre-production prototypes, basically. It doesn’t make a ton of sense to make a line in varying sizes just for the sake of size diversity- you use one figure model. But for fit, it does make sense to have a variety of

What a wasteful mess of a movie. Between the teenaged girls in the audience (many dressed like Harley) loudly aaaawwww-ing at the romanticized depiction of the fucked up and abusive Joker/Harley relationship (seriously wanted to puke in my popcorn bucket), the way two women get punched in face on screen not while

I was high as fuck for the entire movie and was still more interested in my popcorn and diet coke :/

The mass-market pandering via memorable music nostalgia was painful to endure. It was an incredibly transparent attempt at injecting “fun” into each and every scene, but not even being high off my balls made me stop staring at my watch, wondering when I could get home and decimate a box of Cheerios.

Leaving an abuser is one of the hardest choices a survivor can make, I hope she finds the strength within herself to do it, quick suggestion though, I know sometimes there are links posted at the bottoms of articles for people who have lost their battles with depression for hotlines and online resources, can Jez start

god that quote is depressing. i’m nodding along and then get to the point about saying sorry and YIKES.

No it isn’t. And I’m getting tired of having to “fact check” Jez features. Malik’s CURRENT gf, Gigi, is photoshopping or inking out a tattoo of Perrie Edwards (Malik's FORMER lover) in photos of Malik. Writers who don't read their own links.......jesus.

The caption for the Zayn Malik story isn’t accurate.

This argument celebrities make is so tiresome. They willingly give us photos and details of their life when it suits them, and when it doesn’t they complain. And gossip is human nature. Always was, always will be.

Or you could just watch Whitney Houston sing it on Youtube.