
Answer: YES. Tie her down, tape her eyelids open and put drops in every once in a while and she should be good to GO.

They make a new woman out of it.

Seriously are they going to remake every move as an all girls movie? Porky’s, Stand by Me, Revenge of the Nerds, any movie with tons of explosives? Can women get an original movie that showcases their talents without it inevitably being compared to the all male version? For that matter can Hollywood have a somewhat

I pay to see that. Maybe she’s the sabotage expert!

How about Delta Burke as the Southern beauty queen character?

So rich industry guy has Corey Feldman - who “has no career to destroy” (therefore little money) would get sued. And it might never ever end. As Mr. Feldman points out. Regardless of the state of his career, he does have a family and a life that could be destroyed. And what fun! A former child actor who has also

The God Delusion is, of course, Richard Dawson’s work

I know someone else who went through a similar thing reading a book on atheism (i don’t know which one). It’s weird that people actually change their minds about stuff like this. I grew up religious and always sort of took it all as a fairy tale, so it was easy to walk away from when I was a teen. For a person who

The way we continue to treat the people who have been brave enough to come forward is a good way to discourage people who haven’t come forward. With the way the statue of limitations works there is a massive risk that those who do come forward are still in the industry and therefore will lose their job safety or their

My mom saw the Cocteau version “Beauty and the Beast” on a field trip with her high school French class in the late 1940s. Her reaction was a lot like yours; years later she remembered the bas-relief sconces passing candles as “nightmarish.” As indeed they are.

I was about to say, “I DO!” but then realized that I’m not under 30.

All you old-timer Jezzies be jealous, because I am seeing Lindy on Wednesday night.

it is also short hand for Shakespeare. if you are in a Shakespeare play you are British even though most of these plays take place in ancient cities, Italy, and islands that don’t exist. but clearly if you are Romeo and Juliet and grew up in Verona you need to be British. because that makes sense. I am not suggesting

what enrages me is it is just a blatant remake of THEIR animated film. the same music, the same score, the same bad stereotypical french characters (but no Jerry Orbach this time), the same design. they aren’t even pretending to look at the original story with fresh eyes. this is still very much DISNEY’S Beauty and

Not knowing who Hayley Atwell is (and thus not knowing about Agent Carter) on a supposedly feminist website made me ignore her opinion on all the shows. ;)

Yeah. I still can’t process the cancellation of Agent Carter. Pregnancy hormones will just overload the system and shit will fall apart here.

Haven’t seen it yet but would really like to.

Are you counting Zootopia? I thought it was INCREDIBLE.

That might as well be laserdisc.