
Short guys make me feel self-conscious. I guess I had too many short guys after I shot up to 5’10” in 7th grade comment on my height derisively or bitterly, or call me “big.” That’s just what a young woman loves to be called, especially when she’s a perfectly average weight for her height. I’ve dated a couple guys

I’m a tall woman who tends to be attracted to men who are taller than average. I know it makes me a stereotype for MRAs to exploit, but I’m turned off by really short men (so sue me - it’s my own insecurity about my size, not a status marker). So some ethnicities that are pretty exclusively short... I won’t lie; I

“ can people say they’re not attracted to a specific race?”

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There are some races that I am not typically attracted to most of them. I like the people just fine. How is that racist, and even if it is, what is one supposed to do about it?

Now playing

Pence says, though, that he's directed state lawmakers to draft a "follow-up" measure, one that "makes it clear that this law does not give businesses a right to deny services to anyone."

Just an FYI if you go into the greys in the equal pay post there is a grey posting rape images. we have another super-troll.

NO. NO. You can binge watch all the time. It's NOT SPECIAL.

over claims his reputation as a car salesman has been damaged

I think fancy pasties would be awesome! There's some really cool pasties out there. It wouldn't be nudity anymore, and it would be super fun.

Gandhi's wife died of a treatable illness after Gandhi refused penicillin on her behalf. later, when he was sick with the same illness, he decided that penicillin was, after all, acceptable and his life was saved by it.

You can ban peanut butter from schools because ONE KID has an allergy... We should be able to banish anti-vaxxers from society as a whole.

This article is clearly propaganda for empirical, evidence based ideology, and logical critical thought.

The shit makes me so fucking mad. You don't want to vaccinate your kids? Then you shouldn't be allowed to send them to public school, public parks etc etc etc. The scary part (as evidenced by this Disneyland outbreak) is that this wouldn't even solve the problem. It's so infuriating and selfish.

Kim routinely fat shames Rob. And throws a tantrum any time things are not about her. They're a family all right, a family of narcissistic assholes.

The themes from the original story are admittedly horrifying, but I actually think the Disney version is much better than you're remembering.

Was she really into anal?

Apple will be renamed Apple Brown Betty Martin. Or Apple Fritter Martin.

Just because someone is good at playing 'make believe' it makes no sense to listen to their advice on life, health or how to be happy. Actors mostly have unhappy lives and dish out the least practical information, based on no formal education or knowledge. They neither spin nor weave.

I thought it was funny that she had her superior-ish attitude (which is expected for a competition! no shade!) and then her tape started slipping as time went on.....