
And yet my Spinderella biopic continues to languish in development limbo. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF HOLLYWOOD?

In reverse it appears she is picking her nose and then putting something on his neck...

it looks like #9 is actually saying "oh my god, I hope nobody saw us" and that that is what the "we're /you're ok" is in response to

Im pretty sure she's saying this tree is ugly like the possibly real fur coats. I don't think the people who made smartass comments are smart enough to realize, they can make colored coats from real fur, not just puppet fur, it's called dye people! But Rihanna is truly disgusting for all the times shes definitely worn

Man, that's just cold.

Pretty sure they're genuine Cookie Monster pelts.

It's free-range cardboard.

Okay? Seriously.

The funnier thing is she was CLEARLY with a dude who was NOT a drug dealer.. (I think anyone whose real name is Safaree is banned from the block). I think that Nikki can rap her ass off when she wants to but she forgets all the gimmicks and esther dean written pop songs covered up for the fact that she is really just

No, motherfucker, I don't. I NEVER have knowingly put a goddamn CENT in the pocket of that type of rapper since I first started buying rap albums and tapes and then cds in the 80s.

Yeah, I want to love her but her odes to drug dealers who can "buy me Balmain", general air of self-conscious shit-stirring (pseudo-Nazi imagery, really?) , and total reliance on sexuality (you've seen her calendar, right?) make me less than impressed. She's no diva in my books. Boss, sure. Disposable, totally.

I feel like this author makes her music reviews less about the song/album itself and more about showing the reader how much she (thinks she) knows about music in general.

it would be nice to have a female rapper in the limelight who isn't all about her sexuality and isn't offering her ass on a platter for male desire. Nicki presents herself and her dancers and sexual objects. She is the furthest thing from a feminist. Ugh.

1. The Peace Corps and peace-keepers.

Yes, completely dismiss what Potatoe said with a dumb reply. She didn't say anything of the sort you've alluded to. I don't know if she is necessarily correct, but there is something worth parsing in her comment.

There is a lot of talk why gender equality has stalled. In my opinion, one reason is that while legally in many countries women and men have equal rights, there are more subtle things to tackle now - as general gender roles, stereotyping and bias. And I really believe one of the reasons that we are not progressing

Are you sure Diddy Did It? Damn! What didn't Diddy do?

Grindr is a hookup app, not a dating app. Of course dudes are just going to respond to anything with some variation of "want to bone?" It's the nature of the app. And, honestly, trolling dudes who are just trying to get laid just so you can make fun of them on Tumblr is pretty fucking homophobic and pretty shitty.

I honestly think Warner Bros of all people has the right take on the debate