
What if they made a spinoff show that was just about Arya coming of age? And what if it was called Arya There God? It's Me, Margaret? Don't judge me!

Yet men never feel the need to "empower" themselves through self-objectification. Funny that. Perhaps the whole empowering malarky is a just a tool to ensure that the patriarchal gender normative assumptions that a women's whole value is in her body/looks is maintained. Don't stop that from your sexist apologia.

Thanks for your reply. I really welcome it. I will admit that I found this entire spectacle to be a bit disturbing because I find it difficult to applaud an act of agency that turns an individual into an object even if the agent doing the objectification is one's self. I personally would have found the entire thing

She looks like an insane version of my Peaches & Cream Barbie from back in the day.

But if they told her they were going to blur the naked parts, and they didn't, why is she in the wrong here? This is pretty...blamey.

It's all done under a lack of male gaze.

That was sexual assault. He deliberately preyed on you and the lack of consent is what he was aiming for. Don't feel bad for feeling bad.

Do you feel grey? I really think of you more as a sunset blue, but if you're feeling grey let me know and I shall sing you a song or two.

I know in Queensland, once you reached certain level of martial arts training, you had to go register with the police. Any assault by someone with a certain level of training is automatically classed as assault with a weapon.

Trained fighters, like War Machine and Mayweather, should be charged with attempted murder when they attack anyone outside of the ring. If you are a highly trained fighter you are automatically a dangerous weapon.

I don't understand why, if the story is about lil Kim, you used a photo of Latoya Jackson.

The way they're dressed is predominantly associated with Latino people in areas like south LA and East LA. If you've lived in Southern California, you'd recognize this style as associated with one racial / socioeconomic population, and to a lesser degree there are a few dress details that reference Black stereotypes

Not everyone in California is enlightened; redneck idiots aren't just in the Midwest and South.

As if there was ever a debate, Kim K's boobs clearly are the fakest of the fake. Anyone with real boobs knows those warlocks flop down to the side when you're flat on your back, they don't point north like compasses. #iaintgotnotitties

I hope the 41K+ comments on Kylie Jenner's picture were all "don't take fucking pictures of people in the bathroom"

Hillary, contributing something to society would mean finding out why this is the case in these cities and explaining it to us so we could have a discussion about that and see how we can work toward income parity in all cities. Reposting content from elsewhere with no context or explanation and just saying "ooh neat"

I only shave because I'm supposed to do it, too. If it wasn't for society, I'd never do it. Once hair is grown out, it's silky smooth and not bothersome. However, my legs shaved are never, ever silky smooth. Well...maybe for 5 seconds. I'd have to shave 2 times a day to keep them super smooth. Not happening. It's