
Sounds like someone is about to tank their daughter’s career.

Are we sure they are Donald’s? It’s hard enough to imagine having sex with him. I can’t imagine doing that without a side-piece palate cleanser.

I blame the reporting but I love how she was both gagged and begging for her life.

Sorry to quibble but their was anyway evidence that Johnny Depp was a violent drunk. He had a reputation for destroying hotel rooms. We just didn’t hear stories about him directing that violence towards women.

It’s time that officers, who shoot at people with their hands in the air, are held criminally liable. Not to mention that allowing the police to investigate their own misconduct is fucking stupid.

Actually, a lot of that film has to do with fear of female sexuality and castration anxiety. So your response wasn’t that in appropriate

I sense a lie. Was it FDR who said “talk softly and carry your big dick.”

I believe that Rhonda is the grandmother and the woman passed out in the car. I don't think the biological parents have entered the story yet.

Supersizers Go British Bake Off!

If there was a God the Koch Brothers would get what they deserve. They once saw the Duke Brothers in Trading Places and thought it was an instructional video.

Here here. Plus size is either try too hard trendy or depressingly matronly. Old Navy has very decent basics right now. They are going back to their GAP roots but with better fits.

Just sew a snap in between the buttons. If you are lazy you can just use a safety pin.

I always felt like Gaga has promising elements but as a whole the music and writing is always underwhelming.

I accidentally did that on shrooms once. It was so fucking scary.

65 is way too much for these glasses. Especially when they are trendy novelty glasses. I guess they have to pay for all their gimmicks though. Thanks for doing the leg work. It's for science!

Honestly, I would have more respect for her if she walked around Burning Man like the top image.

Krang belly! That would be an awesome Halloween costume. Bonus points for dressing as Krang’s android body.

Well, this site has totally fallen apart. I am looking for alternative sites if anyone has them.

Why do these Titanic posts keep popping up? Is there a way to like unsubscribe?

I am confused by the order of events. I was at an art walk when someone drove up onto the sidewalk where hundreds of pedestrians were walking in big packs. It was really scary and and people were panicking trying to get away from the car, cramming into a nearby gallery. I can still hear people pounding on the window