
I can’t edit my comment but Deadshot was changed to Deadpool by auto-correct.

You didn’t think it was misogynistic when two women were punched in the face for laughs? How about when El Diablo’s deepest desire was a blow job from his dead wife. Also, Flag wasn’t told to smack up his girlfriend. Deadpool told him to smack his girlfriend on the ass and tell her to stop destroying the world.

Katy Perry's brand is look at my boobs and Taylor isn't. It doesn't mean that Katy is doing anything off brand. Also, I can't tell if she's squinting or if she is getting tired of Orlando's shit but she's mean mugging in some of those pics.

I watched Monument Men on a flight. It was hilarious to see the poor attempts to cover the nudity in the art work that they were recovering but the bizarre part was the swearing was removed. I understand if the airlines are trying to get ahead of ridiculous people complaining about seeing something on another person's

Well, I don’t like the sexism involved in tabloids. However, actors are ridiculously over paid, they live in acompletely different reality than the average person with a different legal system and people to cater and coddle them constantly and those are the trade offs for the invasive public profile that they have.

When I was growing up, I had a fried that had two Dads. It was new but I just accepted it. My parents didn’t even need to get into the sexual part of it. My friend just had two Dads and I had a Mom and Dad and everything was fine with the world.

Oh fun. Like a Neuvelle Richard Simmons.

Yeah, Khloe was being molested by a dude in his 20s when she was the same age and Kim lost her virginity to TJ Jackson when she was 15 and he was 18. The family is totally fine with statutory rape as long as the guy is rich.

If Jared Leto was an ice cream flavor, he would be pralines and dick.

I am amazed at the number of people that completely missed your point. I keep going back and forth between voting for Hilary Clinton and Jill Stein. The arrogance of some Clinton supporters makes it even harder for me to make the Clinton compromise.

Masshole James doesn’t need to chill. The question was what is up with the Bernie supporters and they gave their insight. You’re comment however totally illustrated their point

I will have to check it out after work. I like a little whimsy. I think people pull off extreme looks everyday. Even when it's not my thing I can appreciate it if someone like like they are living their fantasy. His clothes just look tortured though. It doesn’t look like he’s expressing himself it looks like he’s just

The neck line on Yolanda Ross (I am guessing. I am not familiar with her work) is ridiculous and not in a good way. I bet it hurt to rip all that tape off of her boobs.

Hockey jerseys are his signature. I hope that he goes to the Oscar’s in a hockey jersey with a tuxedo print on it.

There are not enough stars for this comment! That mofo was illiterate.

Lol, Sgt. Pepper Bullshit. See also Chris Martin.

I know what you mean about appreciating when people express themselves outside of the norm. When people do that though it looks like them, like Russell Brand or Pharrell Williams. When a stylist dresses you like a pretentious jerk, you look like Jared Leto.

He kind of already is a tool?