
Jared Leto tries so hard to be cool. So so so hard.

Beiber hangs out with Mayweather, a man known for beating up his pregnant girlfriend's. Now he's hanging out with Kanye, a man who basically made revenge porn of Amber Rose and Taylor Swift. It's kind of scary actually.

Not to mention that I think she is wearing compression hose on the bottom half. Possibly to cover padding. Ugh, it would be so tight and hot.

Is she vomiting scarves?

ha, you can see the shoulder pads. It can be nude or have shoulder pads. You can’t have both.

So basically Kanye and Kim put Taylor on blast so he could make a clothing commercial? The Emperor has no clothes.

I guess everyone loves Mame.

Hello, it was already remade as Mame! With Bea Arthur and Lucille Ball.

I love that part! Every so often I hear it as ad lib dialogue at the top of the scene in random movies. I didn’t dare to dream it was an Auntie Mame reference.

T-mobile. They are awesome.

O Canada, that’s freaking cute!!!

Dude, let’s talk about culottes. Just no.

Now playing

I love Rupaul. THIS is driving in a car with Rupaul.

I don’t know if everyone knows this but American Apparel’s original company mission was to create the best cotton tee shirts for printing band merchandise. Fun fact.

That Justin Beiber story is kind of rude. Are we really going to make fun of a guy because he enjoyed a massage? This is like a hacky homophobic sitcom premiss.

Most of this picture was cut off by my web browser. All I saw was a blonde buzz and groomed eyebrows. For a second I thought it was a picture of Amber Rose.

Well, come on. It’s disingenuous to pretend that Kim Kardashian and the entire Kardashian empire is built on (heteronormative) sexual commodification. It’s a whole system that depends on a woman’s worth to a man and how that can be leveraged for money. The whole family does it.

I have yet to hear an unenjoyable Prince story. He always satisfies.

I am team random girl. That dude flashed her butt and now she’s stuck in the middle of a shit storm.

I am loving Melissa McCarthy’s look. Also, I bought a pair of her jeans through Macy’s and I really dig them.