
Didn’t know who this lady was before but now I know she’s an asshole. Obviously, she thinks her only value is in her apearence but she doesn’t get to put her issues on other people. Also, we need to start reevaluating the lack laws that make this legal because it’s violating.

Do you play the game?

I’d rather my kids were promiscuous sluts than grow up to be the kind of person that needs permission from their spouse to have a social media account.

If Benjamin was an ice cream flavor, he'd be pralines and dick.

Talk about unfair set of expectations. I can’t imagine being able to react to the horrible murder of my boyfriend inches from me and my 4 year old. Then having the presence of mind to calmly livecast while the murderer still has the gun pointed into the car. Meanwhile, if anyone is acting erratically it’s the armed

If discussions about consensual sex make you worry about finding a partner, then you really need to up your game.

Well said.

It’s pretty clear from your comments that you are not interested in the consent of your sexual partners. I would not want to be alone in a room with you.

I also took that away from this comment section.

Wow, basically my sex life in college.

All beaches are public in California. Rich people try to block public access to beaches by gating up walkways called easements but that’s illegal even if it isn’t enforced. The role of thumb is the dry sand infront of someone’s house is private but the wet sand is public. This lady was just freeing that spot from

That wait between issues of Saga can be brutal.

Did he ask for a haircut that would make him look like a penis with a little bit of poop on the tip?

Not to mention that if there was a charge for the dress the studio could easily amortize it to publicity.

These people remind me of all the assholes who threw “Great Gatsby” themed parties. Did you even read the book/watch the movie?

Well, at least you didn’t buy it.

She looks like Terri Hatcher but with less subtle plastic surgery.

Totally bullshit.

I appreciate the link to the article about Andrew Jackson that put the argument into context for me. It would be fitting to replace him with our most famous abolitionist.