
Little Finger knowingly married Sansa to a psychopath. He knew Ramsay's the nature when he arranged the marriage and didn't deny that when Sansa confronted him.

Future hedge fund manager. Just like Daddy.

Um, I am pretty sure that rapists have a very high recidivism rates. Especially when the entire system shelters said rapist from the repercussions of their crimes.

I think OP is just looking for the silver lining in this cluster F.

I don’t think botoxed her face into submission.

I agree, as an underaged actress she probably experienced things that would make you want to take a decade long hot bleach shower.

He wasn’t talking about a documentary. He had to dial back his statement because he has a hard enough time finding work without a witch hunt.

Well I can tell you that I work in the business and I have a friend who witnessed Bryan Singer getting way too friendly with Brad Renfro during Apt Pupil but I can’t say more without threatening their career. Also, I have friends who knew Renfro and they heard his account of that time, which was basically party in

Nathan is less terrible than Jennell? He’s abusive and using Kaiser to control her. He’s really scary.

I was wondering about that. California has the Coogan Act to protect child actors but I’ve noticed none of these families live in CA. Also, there is some trickiness with their classification as performers because they are on a documentary program.

I get it. The Airbnb that we stayed at in Belgium had did like this around the apartment. I think it says something like “Can you laugh at everything? This one is black, homosexual, handicapped and Belgium, hahaha, Belgium, that’s funny” I guess this was meant to be enlightened because we are renting from Belge

That’s a good point. The elections should take place on the same day rather than have early polls effect the outcomes of other state primaries. The voting system in the United States is deeply flawed. If only there was a politician who made that part of their platform...

Well, that Demi Rose lady is a former Taz Angel so it sounds like she didn’t scrub the Internet before Tyga hired her to be his girlfriend.

She would be fabulous in a heist film. I could see her as the ringleader.

Nobody deserves rape, obviously and I hate to buy into this perfect victim myth. However, that statement from the victim is so clearly and beautifully put that I am shocked that it did not have impact on the sentencing. I am guessing that the Judge has his own history with non-consent

He uses “actual rape” because he is suffering from guilt. He was groomed by his molester and considered him a friend and possibly sees himself complicit in his own molestation. It’s not right but that’s why he uses that language.

It seems like he’s built his entire life around Christianity. This is going to big a big transition for him. I hope he has support. I kind of doubt that he does though.

If there is someone who needs a croissant it’s that lady that commented above you.

I love that a British accent is short hand for foreign language in english speaking films. I also love when actors attempt accents for a film but get tired of trying to keep up the extra effort (I am looking at you Scarlet Witch.)

Oh you know what, I didn’t count Zootopia. I just assumed it was Pixar. Zootopia was awesome. I just watched the DMV clip a few days ago and I was still cracking up on the second viewing.