
Welp, time to shut down YouTube. You know, just in case.


If they'd turn off the scoreboard, it wouldn't be so negative.

Love these kind of articles. Cant wait to see them test this engine in space. "Take that haters."Roger Sawyer

It distracted from the whole story for me. (but that's just the way I am!) She said it twice... 0.01% is not the rest of 99.9%.

So with a 99.9% chance of success, and a 0.01% chance of failure, they presumably had a .09% chance of SOMETHING ELSE!


The question is: if they eat electricity, what do they poop?

Well. There was the time back in the Reagan era of the KGB was running around stealing our PLC codes, and their pipeline blew up thanks to a few well placed bugs...

That is all.

Pierre Sprey didn't design the F-16. Sprey has never 'designed' anything with wings, and he still doesn't know diddley-squat about aircraft design OR air warfare. He started at the Pentagon in 1966 as one of Robert S. McNamara's (the genius [/sarc] behind the TFX) "wiz kids."

Sprey started out as a weapons system

Typical Apple, copying everything they can see...


It's not beyond the realms of possibility that Apple copied the design...

"It's a powerful symbol of America's economic decline,"

Why doesn't someone just invent something that flies in the air like a bird. It could be like a big aluminum tube and have wings and everything. Science, please get on this.