
Cronkite, Sid. No “K”. ;)

For reasons unknown, the official Twitter account of Julian Assange, the leader of disgraced transparency organization Wikileaks, was been deleted earlier tonight for reasons unknown.

If this turns out to be a Michael Bay-esque CGI-gasm, I am going to rip my eyeballs out right in the theatre.

Please please please please use as many practical effects as possible. That would be the proper homage and sequel to Blade Runner. We’ve already seen this world done in CGI with the remake of Total Recall. It just doesn’t have the same impact as the lived-in sets of yore.

Maybe the region isn’t quite ready for civilization yet.

The machine will never be better than Abby Sciuto.

Since you need assistance in reading a simple graph. Most of the models predicted a dramatic rise in temperature. You will note that 1)Temperature has been virtually flat for 18+ years in spite of the rise in CO2 levels and 2)Most of the models got it terribly wrong. What part of terribly wrong do you not get?

I think the article did a fair job of this but I will reiterate. There are mirrors that focus the sunlight on pipes that contain oil. The oil heats up water, and the water (steam) spins a turbine.

As long as the new weather order doesn’t bring tornadoes to Morocco. Very cool.

Maybe they’re not from there. Maybe it’s just a pit stop along the way.

Around a short lived F-type star when a civilization would at that point have the ability to travel somewhere that’d last thousands of times as long?

Whatever happened there happened at about the time the Roman Empire was collapsing.

You have a unique sense of “close”

This star is pretty close, about 1500 ly.

If we’re seeing this light now on Earth, how many millions of years ago did this theoretical construction project really happen?

I’m no Tesla fanboy, but the fact that you can count on your fingers the number of Tesla fires is pretty good proof that’s it’s not a big deal at all. Gas powered vehicles catch on fire so regularly that there’s a term for it, carbecue.


sadly, his efforts failed to meet minimum requirements to meet Darwin Award standards.