
Undersea does not have to mean underground. Turkey built and undersea tunnel connecting Istanbul's two halves. They built sections, sunk them into the strait, then connected them.

stop trying to depict the chinese as crazy communists, this is a brilliant prospect for international trade, and theres nothing to say a long tunnel like this wouldn't be possible. the channel tunnel is only 25 miles long and with a high-speed train like they obviously intend to use it would only take like 40 mins

You know those kids? You know.. The ones that put a system in their car, only to learn that this "system" is a 15" bandpass box and a 300w amp? A couple of wire nuts and un-fused links later.... and they have the most trunk-poppin, window-rattling, car in the high school parking lot.

Dune's the best sandworm

Should be able to tell the species just by measuring the hole:

Sarlacc was still shitting in its diapers when this baby was all growed up

Well done Jesus Diaz.

Finally Canada's season cycle can be something other than "Winter", "Still Winter", "Still not summer", and "Road Construction"

It doesn't freeze much in Italy.