
I’m thinking it appears Francis Ford Coppola was right.

AND - no ants were harmed in the making of this video...

Coconut shell makes the very best carbon for use in science labs.


Its not really sad to see Great Britain fade into obscurity... we don’t need monarchies anyway.

Yeah, well, we call politicians leaders too...

Yeah, what he said ^

The NSA must be launching its new program @ midight Saturday.

Kind of like when the national media report Al Gore had won the election.

Hurry, buy the new Apple product, the re-hashed version of the previous five. Steve Jobs was also a master at recycling product designs and charging premium retail for them.

He didn’t break in, it appears he was in charge of keeping the place safe.

Expensive modern showcase lab building, with dumb-asses in charge of security?

Well done.

These ARE THE SAME INCOMPETENTS now controlling access to more and more of American’s medical information.

Yum, future drinking water.

Borders, energy and communications infrastructure are national security issues, its a shame our Whitehouse is playing bait and switch with issues.

The inks solvents and varnishes nearly killed me

The inks solvents and varnishes nearly killed me

Its refreshing to see someone reference the real Tesla, and more than once too...

What would Elon Musk do without government subsidy? Oh, yes he would have run out of money years ago.