
Facebook is evil.

I didn’t know Norway had agriculture. Interesting.

Where’s it going?

The Fukushima accident wouldn’t have happened if they had put their emergency generator up on the hill behind the plant instead of down low near the sea.

Still need evaporative cooling towers...


Not that I’m anti nuclear, I’m pro safe nuclear...

I imagine journalism like this helps ISIS be more careful.

Elon Musk’s legacy...

He’s a politician. Facts don’t matter.


Bought my Monster DNA headphones today, out of principle, they're OUTSTANDING.

The SSC "loop" in Texas would have been about 53 miles or so. A 5 mile loop would be referred to as a different loop.

I can't find the GIF, wheres the GIF?

Hopefully Jimmy Iovine will finally be burned for his dealings.

Looks like the boat Frank Lloyd Wright would build.

I bet prices on eBay skyrocket by morning, its surely a collectors item the likes we haven't seen in toyland in ages...

Looks like Grazer One from Dark Territory

Looks like a $1,000,000,000. Oh wait...