
I really hope they don’t roll taker back out there. They made their choice for how they were sending him out, it STILL didn’t get Roman over, just let it go already. (p.s. I dig roman, the hate is SO unwarranted at this point)

I know they aren’t using his image or anything in games and whatnot - no idea if he’s available on WWE Network...

No doubt. For a real laugh watch the documentary and then immediately watch his induction. You will make derp face harder than anyone has ever made derp face. Unreal.

Heh I had searched for Benoit awhile ago, wasn’t aware that they’d been put back into the collection, albeit untagged. I stand corrected. Evidently murder is okeedokee too, as long as one can be exploited without credit being given.

She’s not bad, per se, she’s just not the caracature of a human being that we’re used to wrestlers being. She’s playing it like a normal person who’s new to the scene.

Moolah gets the BR named after her, and that only got about HALF the ire fans were throwing at the announcement that Kid freakin Rock is going into the WWE HOF entertainment wing.

So great belt, though I actually don’t have this one - worth mention you can get one for 25 bucks (albeit from a different brand)

So great belt, though I actually don’t have this one - worth mention you can get one for 25 bucks (albeit from a

Agreed - best belt I’ve ever owned. Dog chewed on the end of mine so been meaning to replace it. With them being on sale, now is the time.

Agreed - best belt I’ve ever owned. Dog chewed on the end of mine so been meaning to replace it. With them being on


I’ll go you one better. I AM a subaru WRX driver who doesn’t vape.

You have nailed it exactly. I used to work for a major pharma company and the CEO’s salary was a very reasonable, by CEO standard, million and change.

There’s also that large tumor that he’s dealing with. He refers to it as “his mom”, but the rest of us refer to it as “the career killer”.

AS history has proven, these questions are worthless.

Totally valid point - but it’s certainly more realistic to expect me to take a 15 minute stop after 4 hours of driving than expecting me to take a 2 hour stop to recharge at current day rates.

You can get the burble, depending on what you run. My 16 wrx has a j pipe/exhaust that makes the burble pretty prevalent, but only when I really get on it.

Well that’s kinda what I’m saying - this concept fills that same niche. I don’t want something this spacious (I drive a 16 wrx, for the record). I just want the freakin hatch. It’s not even the extra space that’s particularly relevant: I can count the number of times I needed more room in my car on one hand. I

I filled out the form but in terms of changes to about giving people the ability to delete their effing comments?

“battery that can be charged in just over 15 minutes and carry the car “around 250 miles””

I dig it, but it’s not the hatch I’m waiting for. This is the kinda thing i’d stick my wife into (A woman who can’t drive stick and likes zoom, but values space even more highly). The next WRX/STI hatch really doesn’t have to be anything fancy: throw a hatch on the 2015+ body style and I can pretty much guarantee most

The guys in japan definitely take the craft to a whole new level. Still, there’s some stuff in WWE that is worth watching. Rollins, Balor, and Styles all come to mind - with Styles having perfected a lot of what he does while IN Japan.