
That is a total bullshit penalty, ESPECIALLY when it then determined the outcome of the game.

O line is shit and anybody who expected Marshall to bounce back to what he was two years ago hasn’t been paying attention. His productivity was cut in HALF last year.

I feel bad for the guy, but that’s not a collection. He’s not collecting cars. He’s hoarding them. A “collector” doesn’t have a field full of cars in varying states of decreptitude. A collector might buy these cars and start restoring them. A collector might even have more than he can ever possibly restore...

Registering cars aint free. Even if it’s just 20 bucks a car, times 200 cars, that’s a lot of money to lay out for cars that are in shitty non-running shape.

Love my to drive is an understatement. I had an 03 hatch that I LOVED (it also saved my life when in a nasty roll-over type accident). Drive a 16 now and, while I miss the hatch, the fun is definitely still there.

Yessir, that was the worst accident I ever seen....

Unfortunately this is going around. The old Giants Stadium was a raucous joint, full of guys that’d had season tickets since the days when the Giants played in the polo grounds (my dad included).

At least they’re saying the face id crap all takes place on the phone, so at least the poop pics aren’t going anywhere else.

Asshole actually doesn’t do it justice. Fixed it for you.

You know, I always liked being a Giants fan. I was a kid for the Superbowl against the Broncos, but remember it well. Loved the game against the Bills. Try not to talk about the Ravens...

It’s not a question of paying assholes more. Read the rest of his comment. He wants better pay AND more stringent requirements than a freakin GED.

Well I mean, I’m trying to use up bolt-ons before I grab for that desperate +5hp per sticker...

Do they come in Window cling? If so I’ll take one to apply to my soon-to-be-bohemoth of a WRX (a.k.a. protune incoming, still not a racecar, but plenty of vroom to warrant a Jalopnik bump!)

I did indeed listen to the rest - I find the whole concept fascinating and, unfortunately, I think it will be a tough sell - especially in the United States. I mean, we can’t even get pot legalized in all 50, even just for medical use. I can’t IMAGINE getting anything else passed through even for medical use. Once

My wife is a nurse. The amount of shit she puts up with on a nightly basis is insane. the kind of insane that would make most people want to destroy everything around them.

I’ve stopped reading the root because, honestly, the entire page is about “white people suck and here’s why” - and god help you it you deign to point out that maybe there’s something kinda fucked up about that. Would love to see the reaction if someone posted the article “Polite Black People are Useless”.

Comfort yourself however you want to, the confederate flag is a symbol of traitors who left their country because it no longer wanted to allow them to keep black people as slaves. You can argue all the side reasons all you want: at the end of the day you’re still celebrating treason.

I briefly considered a 4 door wrangler when they first came out - then I went for a test drive. Honestly, could have dealt with most of it, but the fact that the windshield is, like, 3" from my face, was pretty much the deciding factor....

ANd mind you, my first car was an 88 wrangler who’s odometer had stopped at 200

I actually agree with just about all of this but...