
I definitely miss the hatch (my 03 was the wagon)...but for my money, there’s no car I’ve ever driven that I loved anywhere near the way I love my 16 scooby. GREAT car.

Well ya KNOW I agree, since I drive one....but admittedly, the civic wasn’t out at the time ;)

So I’m sure you’ve probably driven all of them by now...This vs WRX vs STI vs Focus RS, where do you land? I fully realize that the all wheel v front wheel may not be fair, and it’s also likely not fair to throw the sti with it’s much higher price tag into the comparison but...

Similar if slightly more painful version of the same story. Drove an 03 WRX wagon that I loved - got nailed on the highway, rolled, totaled (emerging uninjured, as did my 3 year old from the back seat). Drove a 2006 camry that insurance paid for up until late 2015 when I also picked up a 2016 WRX (though I got the

Any way about it, Kap was going to be a second string QB at best. A good/solid second string QB, but a second string QB all the same. Unfortunately for him, second string qbs aren’t that hard to come by - and the last thing anyone wants is a second string qb who has a cause, or a thing he stands up for (I am by no

This is the one thing that fucking pisses me off about subaru. I love my WRX. LOVE IT. I’ve done some minor work to it (new j pipe, intake, equal headers, tmic etc), but nothing major. However I did it all knowing full well that if the thing goes to the dealership, more than likely, they won’t cover it under

Agreed - probably should have made it #budlightisnotbeer, but either way. I prefer a nice oatmeal stout around breakfast time since it’s made from oatmeal....making it the perfect breakfast beer!

And the descent Nascar/car racing fans in general of the world don’t understand why the rest of us think they’re all beer swilling white trash?

Better advice: mow when needed, skip excessive fertilizing and watering, don’t worry so much about dandelions and just take out the really BAD shit.

As someone who has dabbled with several things on the here and there, really the only risk is knowing who it is you’re buying from. A lot of folks out there sell non-hallu. mushrooms that have been injected with horse tranqs or similar shit.

If you have a thick beard like, “shaved in the morning and need to shave again before going out at night” type beard, this thing will not get close enough to really deal with what you have going on. It might work to use for that second shave, but in the morning you’ll still want to use a normal razor.

If you have a thick beard like, “shaved in the morning and need to shave again before going out at night” type

The NWA was the shit back in the day. The old Ric Flair v Dusty Rhodes rivalry and the Midnight Express v Rock n Roll Express (my favorite tag team of all time) both came from there...and lets not forget, without the RnR express, there’d have been no Rockers, and without the rockers there’d have been no Shawn

Insert “black people” in place of white people and tell me that people won’t be coming out in DROVES and screaming that it was racist.

No no, don’t you understand? It’s okay to throw out generalizations as long as it’s about white people.

Fucking douchecanoe. I drive a WRX (non sti). I love driving it. I love driving it fast. I also know my limits and know where NOT to start driving that way. Quiet backroad with blind turns and other cars coming? Yeah, good time to chill the fuck out. Find yourself a nice open country road where you can see

Zelda is a great game, but it’s hard to be satisfied when that’s literally the only title that’s been worth picking up (so far) - hoping to snag mario kart shortly as well....but they really need to put the pedal down with game releases. I haven’t picked the thing up in weeks because of the super duper weak launch

I had one of those. Old english bulldog. Liked to greet everyone with a fierce leg humping.

Now look, I hate to take Russia’s side but...dude KNEW the consequences of his actions. Dude KNEW they wouldn’t laugh this shit off. Dude did what he did anyway. Don’t like the laws, get them changed, but don’t just decide that you can break them because you don’t like them. That’s how you end up in jail.

I hear you - we bought a Wii U primarily for Tank Tank Tank....and while I picked up a switch, I mostly bought it for Mario Kart (which I’m eagerly awaiting its arrival)

I hear you - we bought a Wii U primarily for Tank Tank Tank....and while I picked up a switch, I mostly bought it

So much this. I played the hell out of zelda for a week. Haven’t picked the thing up since.

So much this. I played the hell out of zelda for a week. Haven’t picked the thing up since.