
Simple. It’s not considered “Cruel” if it’s not done to other human beings...and the extreme right fails to see anyone that is a non-white, middle-aged, devout Christian as “human”.

I can vouch for the experiences thing. My mother has EVERYTHING, so we’ve started getting tickets to a show in NY and treating to a nice dinner. She’s started doing the same for us for our anniversary. Nice night out, nice to spend time, and not getting or giving more crap that nobody needs.

Not for nothing, I don’t think I agree with this particular firing.

That’s honestly one of the biggest things that drove me from the game. I was still enjoying hopping planet to planet and discovering things, but the never ending “You need 100 plutonium and 3 of XYZ to combine to make this other thing” just got old....especially since, invariably, when you needed something it would

Yeah, it’s a problem when working with dumbasses. I try to get emails when I can. When I can’t I make a phone call until I get them, and then send a follow up email recapping everything we spoke about. If they’ve been REALLY rough to get ahold of, I may copy their manager too.

So um....phones don’t work from Miami to Cleveland?

Note to any considering it: leaf vaccuums like the one above sound like a good idea, they seem like they’d make it easy to clean up massive numbers of leaves quickly.

Note to any considering it: leaf vaccuums like the one above sound like a good idea, they seem like they’d make it

Or maybe it’s a matter of, I dunno, the CEO NOT making 7 million plus while his average full time employee earns 11 grand.

Fucking scumbaggery at it’s finest. No place for this shit in college sports. Period, end of story.

We really enjoy ticket to ride - though it’s not quite as frequently reached for as either Munchkin or Exploding Kittens around our house (or CAH, but that’s obviously for a select crowd).

We really enjoy ticket to ride - though it’s not quite as frequently reached for as either Munchkin or Exploding

Honestly I don’t get all the hubbub around it. Still much prefer TF2.

Honestly I don’t get all the hubbub around it. Still much prefer TF2.

There’s a difference between being pissed at something and believing you have a right to do something about it.

And maybe when I come home I don’t want to see your blue house, or green house, or brick faced house.

It’s parked in his fucking driveway. He’s not parking it on the street, he’s not parking it in THEIR driveway, so what’s the fucking problem?

Let me ask a question....and it’s a question that NONE of the 8 million articles talking about how trump won have addressed. That question is “What now?”

Well...I mean...I’m actually in favor of term limits, personally.

This, so much. Fuck Gary Johnson. Fuck voters who wrote in for Bernie. Fuck people who didn’t vote at all. Most of all, fuck you Ohio. You fucking douchebags made this shit happen.

FUck FLorida. Go ahead, keep voting for third party candidates and watch it fuck is in the ass every, single, goddamn time.

On point 1 - eyeroll
On point 2 - I’ve actually found that as long as you join the event at the beginning, the quality is pretty solid. If you try to jump in midway, yeah, you can get a pretty shitty stream for sure.

Fuck this guy. Seriously. Fuck him even harder than his pumpkin headed running mate. God I wish I could pray the PENCE away just for the irony of the thing.