They look good going around a road course too. Damn I miss getting to watch these live. Please put them all on one streaming service rather than having to pay for thirty different ones. Some of us can't get regular or even satelite tv at our homes.
They look good going around a road course too. Damn I miss getting to watch these live. Please put them all on one streaming service rather than having to pay for thirty different ones. Some of us can't get regular or even satelite tv at our homes.
I'd love to see something like say Coke or Pepsi as a title sponsor to contrast red bull.
That rule didn’t help my uncle with his ASC Mclaren mustang. It was unlocked but they still cut the top and stole his Devo CDs. Honestly he was more mad about the CDs than that crazy expensive top but to each his own.
So we all just need to drive like 90 y.o. snow birds. Got it.
I plant my kiddlets in my r53 mini all the time. Big bonus of it being dirt cheap to buy and with a budget like that could be made into something spectacular. Granted the trunk is small but functional.
It’s harder to indict a corporation than an individual and to indict the individual you would have to prove intent. Shady ass shit Hertz is pulling here by having people with fragmentary information file the reports so they can’t be held criminally liable. Hertz could get indicted under RICO if there’s enough pattern…
My brother-in-law in his unlimited rubicon proves your point as well. He got the thing stuck on a muddy dirt road while my wife’s little yellow fiat/jeep renegade bumbled along just fine. We even pulled him out with the thing twice.
Hitting the horn while the siren is on changes the siren tone to the quick sound in my department’s vehicles so all we have to do is push two buttons and use the horn when we get to intersections so people actually notice us coming. We also don’t allow pursuits so when we have to run code its because we have an…
One of my highway patrol buddies does exactly that, when he’s not pulling over passing lane campers and trailer towers in the carpool lane. He's driving his Lt. nuts with all of the tickets he writes for actually reckless behavior but he refuses to do the whole too dark tint ticket thing.
One of my parolees recently got out of my halfway house into a single room with a shared bathroom and kitchen for $1700/month. Granted that's through a slumlord but it's also not too far off from places that dont accept felons in the area.
I think I learned more particiating in History Day in Middle and High School than from any history teacher at any level, and my mom is one of those. Thanks for helping out with that and also, nice job to those girls.
I’ll probably get some flak for this one but every muscle/pony car that lasted into the 1975 model year, even with gaps and reintroductions. As an example we can look at the Mustang. 1st gen, cute secretaries car. ‘67-’68 a bit more masculine as you could now get a big block but still essentially the same car. ‘69-’70…
Some of us had to learn the hard way the first time they drove in snow. For example I'd never driven in snow until I was 22 then managed to bury the windshield of my '74 buick eight inches deep when I reached my first stop light. Never again, now I have a huge floor squeegee that I use on the roof and canopy of my…
I’ve now met three people that bought them. All base models, and all of them traded in hatchbacks that were pretending to be SUVs. It took me a bit to realize why but I kind of like the thing. The reason is that it’s not a “truck” it’s a new 2nd gen ranchero. It’s a car that you can use to haul a little bit…
You are aware that Bezos is a slightly left leaning centrist in his politics right? Blaming his actions an ANY political party just proves your opinions to be based on your own assumptions and not on either knowledge or research, it makes you sound ignorant and biased.
Be careful with these idiots. If you piss them off(being either police or civilian) one of their favoritetactics is to file fake liens against your home and you have to prooove in court that you're innocent. Also as an officer, always have backup with these human dumpster fires as I lost a friend to one that decided…
Every classic car is worth collecting if you’re passionate about it. Personally I could not possibly care less about the VW Karman Ghia but one of my co-workers has six of them because he’s passionate about them. Screw “investment collecting” and do what you want. Save that piece of history that makes you feel good,…
I supervise a LOT of meth dealers so I can say this with certainty, they dont often drive Camaros, that’s the deadbeat parents’ ride. They roll SUVs that they’ve tried to rice-burner, or the odd ancient japanese box with the spay-paint custom job.