
Literally how are you people not yet exhausted of hijacking these threads with the *exact* same “Sorry, [lazy connective tissue to article’s actual topic] but The Last Jedi was still bad” comments? Move on already, I promise it’ll all be okay.

Eh, I’d never disagree with the basic sentiment that boys and men need to be reassured that it’s okay to be kind, compassionate, sensitive, caring and, well, not tough, if they don’t want to be—but I still get why people would want to read something beyond that into Kallus and Zeb’s relationship.

In a finale full of moments that thrilled and moved me, Hondo saying this was especially sweet:
Melch, what were you thinking? You’re not a hero...You’re a pirate, like me.

I hope Hondo and Melch come back if Filoni does do this rumoured post-RotJ series.

I’m all about Hondo/Melch.

Yeah, but if Kallus and Zeb are together, then think of the double-dating with Hondo and Melch! It’d be great. Actually, I’d like a sitcom.

Filoni confirmed that both Thrawn and Ezra are a-okay during the final Rebels Recon. Dontcha worry, haha.


Barry, you prude, you’re acting like you’ve never stuffed a platonic friend’s muff in your face then transitioned her into a hurricarana in the name of competition before.

That scene where R2 plays the original Leia hologram!

No he doesn’t, but if he isn’t honestly, what’s the alternative?

Think about the implication if she actually is a Skywalker or a Solo; so Han, Leia, Luke or any combination of those three just abandoned her on a backwater, and left her for dead and then ALL pretended like they had no idea who the fuck she was? That

I’m sorry, are you blaming the deaths of the remaining Resistance members on Holdo instead of Poe??? Are you mental? He was reduced to the rank of Captain and was not privy to the orders because of CHAIN OF COMMAND. Those losses of life are on him (and DJ, obvi) and his recklessness, that’s the whole point of that

And if Poe had just followed his goddamn orders and trusted his superior officers it could have saved the lives of 90% of the remaining Resistance people too. Because that’s actually how military organizations work. You don’t get to decide that hey, your commanding officer isn’t leveling with you and it’s time for you

I lived on a military base for 18 years and Holdo’s actions did not confuse me in the slightest. Didn’t give it a second thought. An Admiral is absolutely not going to share all their plans with someone of substantially lower rank. This is why obedience and chain of command are so important in militaries. You might

Sure but the longer it remains a secret, the better chance the plan had at working. Once the plan took action, of course everyone knew what was going on, but Holdo was very wise to not relay the plan to hothead, dumbass pilot earlier than absolutely necessary.

When you have kids sometimes the answer is “Because I said so.”

Just because they throw a tantrum doesn’t mean you’re gonna give them more info, because then they learn that throwing a tantrum is an effective means of getting what they want.

Poe was acting like a child. His first tantrum resulted in the loss of all the

Trust. I’m all fueled up.

I almost cried when she started crying talking to Andi. I just... I hope she knows how proud of her the Asian-American Star Wars fandom is of her and how much seeing her on the screen as Rose is going to mean to a lot of us.

Every fan ever.

How well do you think Georgia handles snowfall on its roads?

He paused. “And it’s Star Wars, man. Come on.”