
“Or maybe we’re just ready to be done with this whole Skywalker saga and everything connected to it.”

There’s a great big universe out there. 9 movies is enough. I’m with you. Let’s move on and see what else is out there in that galaxy far, far away.

That’s it. No more women get to direct action films. Not until they can prove they can make a cockbuster film!

Or, y’know, the people who generally see boob armor as impractical & stupid recognize that this is a cosplay and a kickass one at that. ;-)

Just dropping by to thank you for the hysterical fits of laughter, Mike. I needed that.

Well, they do make dog poop bags. Because, of course they do. ::grin::

Can we talk a out spin a second, Jez.

Bricken, I am so happy to read you here. ;-) Your voice is so awesomely unique. ::grin::

Rob Bricken, I wish I could explain how awesome it is to see people responding to this with anger about you "mocking" fan fic. Because, y'know, serious writing is srs bsns.

As Phrosty said, Zhora was in the Kick Murder squad. Pris was a "Basic Pleasure model"