Have you actually watched XY? Cause Ash is arguably better than his DP incarnation in it. and at the very least just as good. He has absolutely not been reset.
Have you actually watched XY? Cause Ash is arguably better than his DP incarnation in it. and at the very least just as good. He has absolutely not been reset.
You said everything I would have wanted to say in this thread :) As a big fan of the anime I have kinda gotten tired of the spread of the idea that Ash has no growth and just sucks. Because it patently isn’t true. As you so eloquently layed out :)
This is really exciting :) I adore this franchise, and Cattley’s design is perfect and adorable, talking dog sidekick too! I am very hyped for this.
Yeeeaaah haha it is just honestly words fail to describe how awful Black Knight is.
Sonic 06 could have been a good game to be honest, it just needed a lot more time spent polishing it, and erasing that dumb kiss. It was basically Sonic Adventure 3 and if it would have had the time it needed it could have been good. But instead it was a rushed broken mess.
Eh agree to disagree I adore Sonic Adventure 2.
Fair enough, you like what you like haha. I personally love those games. That being said still a lot of shit in the Sonic game series, *coughs* Black Knight, and Boom *coughs*
I beg to differ. Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Colors, Sonic Generations, and Sonic Lost World were all solid console games, and that is to say nothing of the stellar handheld games like the Advance series, and Rush series.
The Manga is certainly better than the anime. That being said in universe Ash is actually a really good trainer. He continually makes top 8 cut (top 4 once) in the League Tournaments which generally feature like 100 trainers (Which are the only trainers who were actually able to make it there and win all 8 badges)…
Nadine isn’t Drake’s daughter Cassie is. Nadine is the one who beat Nate up. Also the reason we don’t want more women in victim roles is because there are already way to many of them. In a perfect world where everything was equal no one would care when some women characters are victims. But we live in a world where…
Will people please stop using autism as an insult. I have autism and I do not appreciate it being used as such.
They made mistakes for sure, but wow this is way too intense a comment. Also Iwata did a ton for Nintendo and gaming in general, he was an icon and deservedly so. Yes he made some mistakes, as everyone does. But holy hell your comment just reeks of ignorance on the man. The new guy has barely started doing anything at…
I was being sarcastic, you were doing the opposite of creating dialogue. I stated an opinion on what the game was doing. There was no need to tell me to walk away. I have an opinion and I said it, I didn’t smash on anyone else’s. How you actually create dialogue is by responding to me with your opinion on why you…
Whether or not these specific people were gamegaters or as you say kicked out of gamergate which makes it worse honestly doesn’t matter, gamergate needs to take responsibility for the culture, and monsters they have created. They created this.
Classic balance fallacy, the middle is not always the answer sometimes a side is just wrong. For instance when news outlets try to play climate change as a 50/50 issue. Sometimes one side is just right and the other is wrong.
Or you know just deal with stopping the harassment, your comment comes across as very victim blamey especially when a lot of people have to use their real names as they have a career that requires doing internet PR, and being open to fans, or just because who they work for requires it.
Thanks for the thoughtful response way to create dialogue...
I don’t play rust my comment was simply about this bothering me. And about dysphoria. I am not even asking them to change it simply stating that it bothers me as a trans woman and would make me feel dysphoric if I was stuck as a male if I played it.,
as a trans person I can indeed confirm this bothers me...I try to avoid playing as male characters as much as possible in games that aren’t plot and character based. Because it does make me feel a bit dysphoric.
Which is so insane to me. I am a Bernie supporter but if Hilary gets the nom you can be damn sure I will be voting for her. Because I refuse to let the dangerous men of the GOP get in office. Hilary (despite my problems with her) is 10x better than any of the GOP candidates.