Stephanie H

Give me Young Avengers everything! I will take a film, a Netflix show, heck even an ABC show just give it to me Marvel!

One of my favorite films of all time, Edgar Wright is my favorite director, and this film is utterly brilliant.

I love this move. Reading reviews is the important part, not the score. Happy to see it dropped :)

Eh it worked. It parodies your comment while being clear about what I was trying to say. So super clever? Nah. But does it get the job done? Yeah it does.

This comment is not competitive with other comments verbally. Ever. Not remotely. Not even close.

This is the most glorious of days!!!! SO HYPE!

well that was needlessly aggressive for no reason. He said he found it boring...that is it...also I assume you meant Twine game as some form of insult due to the phrasing and tone of your post. Twine games are actually pretty cool they are basically choose your own adventures novels which are a blast. I too am bored

Also I really don’t car either way. Could Tom have done it? A high likelyhood says yes. did it really truly matter and change the outcome of any game in any meaningful matter? No. So I don’t care.

Hey, Hey I am a Pats fan and as I have never lived in Boston I have no Boston accent thank you very much. I simply became a fan as a child because my first ever action figure was a Drew Bledsoe figure.

Well that was amazing. I was laughing so hard I could barely breath

Not 14 my math is terrible I was more like 16 or something...Not sure on the year

So cool. I didn’t expect my story to make it. This is awesome :)

That was my story and It was real. To be fair I am 22 now and it happened when I was like 14 so my memory may be fuzzy and maybe I had hit a few other moves before he put my Wailord to sleep/not taken too much damage (But I don’t think so). But I for sure remember being shocked myself that it OHKO’d his Darkrai

I was 14 it was a year after my family had moved from California to Michigan. The game was Diamond. I was battling my best friend from California over wifi the prize was a free trade for a legendary to the winner(Free trade means you can give the other person a scrub for his good pokemon so basically the winner can