
This is such a tiny nitpick/annoyance and doesn’t have anything to do with Lifehacker (in this instance) or Nick Douglas.

Thanks for the advice.

Now playing

This seems like a perfect time to advocate for Fartbook:

Honestly my Pixel XL is the best phone I’ve ever had. It is lightning fast. Has a great camera. Uhmm, it’s stock Android and will get quick updates. Any complaints are minor in comparison as my main criteria for a good phone are: lasts a day, has good camera, not laggy. Pixel XL fulfills those criteria very well.

They also released a study concluding that if you read this article and then immediately toss out their data to insist that, no, actually you stream new music all the time because you are a very knowledgeable music person, you are missing the point entirely to be insufferable.

I think it’s the Gens Y and Z that are doing finstas. Millennials are more about paying ridiculous amounts of student loan debt and locking in a shitty job or 3 than carefully curating an online persona for friends and family.

There are some music habits I just won’t drop and for whatever reason, Weezer and Beck are two of ‘em.

So he’s fast. He doesn’t have much of a future if he can’t pull off a good flop.

  • Put on some Barry White and rub them sensuously all over your body

This one is better...

And it’s a fantastic idea. All these refutations (conspiracy theory? What conspiracy?) are at least as old as the film. Like most sci-fi people need to stop thinking it should be a documentary and, as long as it keeps to its own internal logic consistent, people need to lighten up.

The blast radius of the F-Bomb according to the FCC in the ‘50s

I’ve seen this romcom before. KD and Rihanna’s fight make them realize that the only thing worse than how they feel about each other is how they feel WITHOUT each other. They eventually fall in love and end up getting married. Jeff Van Gundy, still obsessed with Rihanna, tries to interrupt the ceremony but ends up

RIP Mitch


Five good guesses?