Mired In The Grey

I'd love to see his minimalist interpretation of Arkan's Tigers.

CB4 officials said they now want the Economic Development Corporation, which manages the pier, to tell them the details.

LOOK AT THIS SHIT@!!@!@!!111
It looks like the Grease Trap at an Olive Garden.


He's basically the Tom Ley of Yahoo.

Violent crime has also continued to thrive in Seattle after being acquired from Buffalo.

Why is Rodman allowed to wear blackface?

That must be coming from the room where people test Albert Burneko's recipes.

David Carradine knows a thing or two about ecstatic suspension.

SEE!!??? It CAN be done!!
-Times of India headline

Are they sure this wasn't a Riley Cooper vacation story?

In my day Italians used to lose their shit over footprints in wet concrete, improperly prepared Chicken Cacciatore, or sass-mouth from their wives.
It's nice to see they are evolving.

"Where do i stab it?"
-Dodgers fan.

I can't tell if that's a good or a bad 'whoa'.

This thread needs a Jerry Sandusky joke. Hopefully someone will deliver.

This needs to become a thing.

A self-deprecating Jew! He probably has a screenplay.

If there is a silver lining to this story, it's that there is only one Tom Ley.

We had sponsors, but they only paid for our jerseys. Despite all the money poured into these Michigan teams, we always managed to beat them. The Rust belt and Minnesota has REALLY good hockey.

This is what I picture Deadspin creative meetings to be like.