Geder Palliako

What a fucking baby

Most of the rumors about potential disenfranchisement or even ethnic cleansing seem to be largely unfounded. There were accusations from Amnesty that were withdrawn quickly enough I believe.

There's little to suggest it's a temporary alliance as opposed to being a part of their ideology of democratic confederalism. The YPG have shown great care in protecting arab civilians and liberating abused women from ISIS. And you're exposing your own ignorance by saying it's no big deal. Such alliances are rare in

It's not a logical fallacy. The Kurdish groups that receive the overwhelming bulk of the left wing support you mentioned are not in Iraq. Also, that's not even name calling! I said you said something stupid, and that's twice now you've used words without understanding their meaning.

What a stupid thing to say. It was an entirely valid point.

Most of the left wing praise has been focused on Rojava and the YPG which is by all accounts a multi-ethnic and national force with a socialist/anarchist goal, not at all comparable to Zionism which is entirely tribal.

There is no fuckup, they never contradicted themselves at any point. God this criticism is dumb.

The show hasn't really thought to expand on why Braavos exists, so why should the audience care? As is the same of essentially every city and location in the show.

…which as far as I know was not established in the confines of the show. That was my whole point.

Meh. If it's not in the show I don't think it qualifies as a fuckup really. They shouldn't be beholden to supplementary material that hardly anyone watches.

He's only been winning for like 7 episodes. Ramsay was unsyoppable for 3 damn seasons.

Why on earth would you want more scenes of people travelling. We got more of that than in any other show ever. And the other option is to have characters offscreen for several episodes, destroying any attempt at pacing.

They're bankers, not bleeding hearts. Why would they care? They're soulless capitalists!

Are you? The asian hitman took out a gun and cocked when they made him drink from the mug last time. No doubt about it.

You're right, there are no degrees to how bad things are. That is clever thinking.

There's difficult for some (France) and then there's impossible (Israel, Apartheid SA). It's the difference between systemic racism and Apartheid and it's a considerable one.

Forced? No, not really. Not in the same way Palestinians are forcibly trapped.

My reaction would be the same if any other country was keeping a population in what is essentially a giant open air prison camp.

In large part, yes.

He must just be another one of those dumb left wing hypocritical westerners, whoever he is.