Geder Palliako

I'm not even Greek. And go fuck yourself coward.

Thanks for the advice mate

"Again, a sincere thank you to all the Jill Stein voters, and the Bernie bros and bitches who couldn't be bothered or hated that bitch Hillary and didn't vote, because she was "no better than Trump"

This smug liberal condescension sure is helpful. As is calling people insane. Enjoy the sinking ship.

Yes, I clearly meant that was the SOLE reason, dumbass. It just so happens to be the main one.

Clinton lost this election through sheer incompetence. Oh, and go fuck yourself.

No, this idea that they can publicly say whatever the hell they want is very dangerous. Calling for genocide of non-whites, doxxing trans women, flying symbols of hate goes beyond mere speech. Their very ideology is violence. Merely marching beneath a swastika is violence and will always eventually escalate to murder.

No, you're a coward who'd rather denounce people than actually do anything to help.

You're the one who's taking the occasion of Nazi violence to call out the Left, which includes the woman who died. Prick.

It's Arundel who's spitting on corpses, all I'm doing is calling him out. If that's more horrible than what he already said to you, then kindly go fuck yourself.

Hate crimes have been on the rise in America before a few dozen college kids got involved. Far more productive, as always, is to continue living your comfortable life while denouncing actions on the internet. How did peaceful liberal politics help against Trump? Get your head out of your ass.

And who do you think is protecting immigrants and refugees from even worse? Hint: It's not the police. Nazis don't just disappear because you leave them alone. Ever hear of appeasement?

Did you even read my post? They aren't scared because they aren't getting the shit kicked out of them en masse by larger Antifa groups, which is what you get in countries like Greece.

You clearly don't know what the word reactionary means. Hint: it doesn't solely mean "to react to something"

My point is that your antifa movement is fledgling and unorganised. Which is understandable, since America has only recently started fighting fascists in the streets very recently compared to Greece and the Golden Dawn. The counter-protest that turned up at Charlottesville was too small to be effective. The point is

Second worst? The deaths of millions in fiery nuclear holocaust is definitely worse.

LOL, how many antifa do you think America even has? It's fucking nothing, especially compared to Europe. In Greece they had fascists protesting outside primary schools, harassing refugee children trying to go there. Antifa turned up and kicked the shit out of them, in greater numbers. Guess what? They stopped

Hopefully this will be what wakes people up against this threat. These fascists should be afraid to organise, afraid to wear nazi or confederate iconography, afraid to chant their racist bullshit. To feel blessed that they only got a punch to the face. You don't fight Nazis with kind words and tepid liberal posturing.

So I assume you'll be seen on the barricades against nazis real soon, like that bernie "bitch" whose corpse you chose to spit on?

This is complete gibberish