Geder Palliako

More issue? No. Not preferable sure.

This is pretty dumb. I'm pretty sure the main point of the protests isn't saying Radiohead don't know anything, it's saying they're wrong. The word Apartheid isn't just "thrown around", it's based on research and reports on how the Israel actually behaves. Like United Nations Special Rapporteur Richard Falk. Israel is

This is some of the worst whataboutery I've come across. France is an Apartheid state…jesus fucking christ I can't imagine thinking that.

Horseshit. The Muslim community in France is being unfairly targeted and abused by the government at present (particularly with the state of emergency) and has faced a great deal of discrimination, but how you could compare that to Gaza and the settlements, or fucking South Africa is beyond me. Where's the ethnic

I mean, being surrounded by lava is pretty badass.

Is it really surprising that someone as badass as Vader has a badass castle with a badass backstory? I feel it would be surprising if that were where Greedo spent his downtime.

It's had a bit of critical backlash in recent years, though I think some reactions have been a bit much. I wonder how much of it is due to popularity. Todd Van Der Werff went from loving the show in Season 3 to not including it in his Top 30 for Season 4 (a list which included Mom and Homeland) and has been down on it

Were there not 500 people getting butchered in the Battle of the Bastards alone? Literal mounds of corpses and all that.

Eh, I wouldn't say the bulk. He wrote a lot of juveniles, and books that weren't particularly dirty. All the Lazarus Long books? For sure. Stranger in a Strange Land as well.

I'd say the most distinct cut-off is that everything he wrote after 1967 is pretty terrible, even books that have redeeming qualities like Time Enough for Love.

Played by the guy from Under the Dome no less. And he's in every part of the story, unlike the Stormgren in the book, so there's not even any relief.

To Sail Beyond the Sunset was such an astounding piece of shit that I couldn't force myself to read Number of the Beast.

Hmm, maybe there was less of it? I'd have to re-read them… I'm sure those books are preachy in many ways, but was there a libertarian message in Tunnel in the Sky?

I feel like Childhood's End was just executed very poorly. They really didn't capture the melancholy feel of the book, the actors were rather mediocre, they pointlessly made Stormgren some generic Mid-Western farmer and on and on. Sure, the aliens being devils may seem a bit goofy to modern viewers, but the idea of

A lot of his juveniles are good. Tunnel in the Sky. Have Spacesuit Will Travel. I don't recall them being marred by any crazy libertarian preaching which is a bonus.

He does much better when he isn't getting deep into Dirty Old Man territory. Double Star for example, a very fine book. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress too

Well, this DEFINITELY deserves re-evaluation now.

Really? What interesting side characters did say, White Bear have. Be Right Back only had one character. Everyone in The National Anthem is a po-faced politician, asshole reporter or gawking member of the public.

I think the complaint about the side characters being one-dimensional is a bit strange. It's only an hour long, and it gave us a very well realised main character. And the use of archetypes provides a sense familiarity in a fairly strange world.

Her seeing the dust had me welling up. Just a totally wonderful moment.